Forum Replies Created
Not sure why I even keep automatic updates on for my site. Need to disable on many of them because of this sort of thing. Auto-update took down my site, fortunately I found it quickly and resolved.
I got the same error as the OP and found this in the tracelog as well:
CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Class 'WC_Subscriptions' not found in .../wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-payments/vendor/woocommerce/subscriptions-core/includes/gateways/paypal/class-wcs-paypal.php:630
I reverted all the code to the prior working version to get my site back up and running.
cd wp-content/plugins/ tar -czvf borked-woocommerce-payments.tar.gz ./woocommerce-payments/ rm -rf woocommerce-payments/ curl -LO unzip rm
At least site is running now, but this sort of thing should not have been shipped.
I see. That is great. I didn’t notice that as part of the features on pro. I have the Basic plan since I guess I chose it because I only have 1 site, I will consider upgrading.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Error with image uploadingWell for whatever reason my website suddenly needed more memory to continue processing any image. I edited php.ini to up the memory limit and restarted apache, how it is all working fine… prior fix is still in place.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Error with image uploadingI had this fixed using the following and then after some updates this morning it stopped. Not sure what happened… guess I am headed down the rabbit hole.
function use_gd_editor($array) { return array( 'WP_Image_Editor_GD', ); } add_filter( 'wp_image_editors', 'use_gd_editor' );
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Limit product availability by region@maykato that is perfect, thanks so much.