I cannot find my Login Page and I am really worried
Initially when I installed the plugin “Hide Login”
Then I set the login URL as : https://www.superchotu.com/access
But Now, when I tried many times, I am not able to Login.
Infact, I am not even able to Login from https://www.superchotu.com/wp-login
Then, I followed your method and Renamed the Plugin Folder to “Bora-Bora”
(Hoping that it will de-activate the Plugin) But you know, this method didnt solve anything.
Then I searched for .htaccess file in the Root Folder and I found one (/public_html/superchotu.com/.htaccess)
Then I double-clicked the File, and I was taken to the Root directory.
However, I didnt find any # HIDE-LOGIN over there.
Please Please help me out