Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: What does PHP colon (:) do?It is also used in a Ternary Operator.
I personally love ternary operators. They are a little harder to understand at first (at least compared to a simple if-then-else snippet) but they are a great way to cut down some bloat. Example:
echo ($answer ? "blue" : "green");
//is the same as
echo "blue";
echo "green";
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Comment Preview for 1.5?Live Preview will not work when a user is delivered ‘true’ XHMTL (ie. application/xhtml+xml not text/html).
That is due to the fact that .innerHTML will not work in an XML document.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Comments: Live Previewdoes it validate?
Short answer: Yes it does. However, it is valid HTML 4.01 and nothing more.
Sure you can simply change your doctype to “XHTML 1.0/1.1/whatever”, but the reality is that your browser will not render your pages any different than if it were to have a DOCTYPE of HTML 4.01. For true XHTML to be parsed, a browser must be delivered a Content-Type of application/xhtml+xml. (And no, simply putting content=”application/xhtml+xml; in your meta does not do that.)
The problem (well it is not really a problem a such – at least outside of XML) with this plugin is that .innerHTML is not a valid DOM attribute in XML documents. Try delivering your pages as ‘true’ XHTML and I guarantee the comment preview will not work. By ‘True XHTML’, I mean pages with not only the correct DOCTYPE, but also the correct Content-Type as delivered by the web server. (This of course only applies to browsers that actually utilise valid XML parsers – i.e. Gecko-based browsers such as mozilla/firefox/galeon/epiphany etc. Otherwise the page will be rendered as ‘tag soup’ anyway.)
This, of course, should not take anything away from this plugin whatsoever. It is just that I see so many people aiming for XHTML complaince, when in essence all they are really delivering is ‘pretty’ HTML which doesn’t alter the actual parsing of the document in any way.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Hosting blog across multiple domainsI have been trying to get this to work myself. I can get it to generate the feeds properly by manually editing the various php feed files to include a few $SERVER[‘PHPSELF’] variables called around the place, but I really don’t want to deviate too far from the original WordPress core in order to future-proof myself.
Any ideas from the dev team on this one? Or is there a way to over-ride the default bloginfo_rss() function from elsewhere in order to maintain a virgin WordPress installation?
movabletripe.comForum: Plugins
In reply to: Google AutoLinkWell I did a similar thing yesterday when I discovered that code, so great minds think alike hey ?? Although I made a few improvements to the javascript, such as making sure the code validates as XHTML 1.1 compliant etc.
I also made the plugin into one small file. Just upload and activate.
You can get it from here:
As per usual, no warranties as to its effectiveness, but if you feel like using it, go right ahead.
movabletripe.comForum: Plugins
In reply to: semantic fix for pluginI have just made a small change. If no bullet is specified, I was getting stray characters at the start of each list item from the variable $bullet, like:
Simple fix: strip the ‘ & ‘ and ‘ ; ‘ characters from the variable $response like so:
$pattern[0] = "/div/";
$pattern[1] = "/\&$bullet\;/";
$replace[0] = "li";
$replace[1] = "";
$response = preg_replace ( $pattern,
$replace, $response );Now all is good in the semantic web ??