Forum Replies Created
That message is thrown when an ajax post request is sent to update the data and the order of the meta fields. You get that error message when the ajax request returns an error. Are you testing on a live site?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Members List Plugin] Long page load timeI would install wp-supercache.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Members List Plugin] Member List Plugin Search not workingstueynet,
If the meta fields are stored in your usermeta table they are searchable. Just include a comma separated list of the meta_key’s in the “Meta fields to search by” setting in the member list plugin’s settings page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Members List Plugin] Does not work with Simplepress ForumHave you tried installing wp-supercache? I had to stop using Simplepress because it is soooo slow.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Members List Plugin] Javascript Errorluchtcm,
I would suggest opening the javascript file and changing all the ‘$’ to ‘jQuery’. That should resolve your issue.
I hope that helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Members List Plugin] Member List Plugin Search not workingForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Members List Plugin] Plugin Broken with 2.8.5This is resolved. Correct?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Members List Plugin] Repeat page links at bottom of list.ibgap,
That is a great question. There two things you need to do.
First we need to change a function in the plugin file tern_wp_members.php. The function starts on line 722.
Change the function “pagination” to this:
function pagination($d=true) { global $tern_wp_members_defaults; $o = $this->wp->getOption('tern_wp_members',$tern_wp_members_defaults); $q = $_GET['query']; $b = $_GET['by']; $t = $_GET['type']; $this->scope(); if($this->n > 1) { $s = $this->p-2; $e = ($s+4)>$this->n ? $this->n : $s+4; if($s <= 0) { $s = 1; $e = ($s+4)>$this->n ? $this->n : $s+4; } elseif(($this->p+2) > $this->n) { $e = $this->n; $s = ($e-4)<=0 ? 1 : $e-4; } $sort = empty($_GET['sort']) ? $o['sort'] : $_GET['sort']; $order = empty($_GET['order']) ? $o['order'] : $_GET['order']; for($i=$s;$i<=$e;$i++) { $h = $this->url.'&page='.($i).'&query='.$q.'&by='.$b.'&type='.$t.'&sort='.$sort.'&order='.$order; $c = intval($this->s+1) == $i ? ' class="tern_members_pagination_current tern_pagination_current"' : ''; $r .= '<li'.$c.'><a href="' . $h . '">' . $i . '</a></li>'; } if($this->s > 0) { $r = '<li><a href="'.$this->url.'&page='.intval($this->s).'&query='.$q.'&by='.$b.'&type='.$t.'&sort='.$sort.'&order='.$order.'">Previous</a></li>'.$r; } if($this->total > (($this->s*$this->num)+$this->num)) { $r .= '<li><a href="'.$this->url.'&page='.intval($this->s+2).'&query='.$q.'&by='.$b.'&type='.$t.'&sort='.$sort.'&order='.$order.'">Next</a></li>'; $r .= '<li><a href="'.$this->url.'&page='.$this->n.'&query='.$q.'&by='.$b.'&type='.$t.'&sort='.$sort.'&order='.$order.'">Last</a></li>'; } $r = $this->s > 0 ? '<li><a href="'.$this->url.'&page=1&query='.$q.'&by='.$b.'&type='.$t.'&sort='.$sort.'&order='.$order.'">First</a></li>'.$r : $r; $r = '<ul class="tern_members_pagination tern_wp_pagination tern_pagination">' . $r . '</ul>'; } $m = '.'; if($t == 'alpha') { $m = ' whose last names begin with the letter "'.strtoupper($q).'".'; } $v = $this->total > 0 ? (($this->s*$this->num)+1) : '0'; if($d) { echo '<div id="tern_members_pagination"><p>Now viewing <b>' . $v . '</b> through <b>' . $this->e . '</b> of <b>'.$this->total.'</b> members found'.$m.'</p>'; } echo $d ? $r.'</div>' : $r; }
Second we need to add the code to print the pagination into your template.
Change the code you added to your members.php file from this:
<?php $members = new tern_members; $members->members(array('search'=>true,'pagination'=>true,'sort'=>true)); ?>
To this:
<?php $members = new tern_members; $members->members(array('search'=>true,'pagination'=>true,'sort'=>true)); $members->pagination(false); ?>
That should do it. Let me know how you fare.
~ matthew
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Members List Plugin] Plugin Broken with 2.8.5Excellent. marcoragogna, thank you for doing that work. My best guess is that a setting on your localhost doesn’t like the syntax. I will keep this in mind programming in the future.
Thanks again guys for the heads up.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Members List Plugin] Plugin Broken with 2.8.5It seems like your local versions of PHP don’t like the syntax “<?=”. I imagine that is the issue.
Try changing line 224 from this:
<input type=”text” name=”url” class=”regular-text” value=”<?=$o[‘url’];?>” />to this:
<input type=”text” name=”url” class=”regular-text” value=”<?php echo $o[‘url’]; ?>” />Let me know if that solves the issue. If it does it must be a setting localized on your machine. Try altering the syntax before I decide whether I wish to research what setting might be accountable for the issue.
Regardless I will take this into consideration when I’m writing in the future. I personally don’t run PHP locally. I test all my work on my remote server. Maybe it’s time to make a change.
Thanks for the heads up guys.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Members List Plugin] Plugin Broken with 2.8.5Thanks Vladart. How did you install the plugin? FTP or WordPress’ built in plugin updater?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Members List Plugin] Plugin Broken with 2.8.5What version of the plugin do you have installed? What do you mean by “General Settings”? What other field? Do you mean “instead of” as opposed to “in spite of”? What is the php code you’re seeing? Can you paste it here as well as any errors you are receiving?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Members List Plugin] Version of the pluginI just downloaded from the WordPress and from my website and both version downloaded were 2.8.1. Where did you download the plugin?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Event Page Plugin] error while using this pluginmaorb,
what version of the plugin are you using?
matthewForum: Plugins
In reply to: HELP! Get Login Plugin IssueRight now the plugin does not offer that capability but it should. That is a very good suggestion khlota. I will have to add that to my to do list. Please look for this feature in a future update.