Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress causing coredumpsSorry, they’re being saved in the ‘root ‘of my web-accessible area (/public_html/)- the same directory that I have WordPress in.
EDIT: I’ve done the repair process you linked to, some of those ‘overhead’ numbers were worryingly large. I’ll keep an eye on it and see if any more coredumps occur.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress causing coredumpsAfter I deleted the first batch, two of them appeared inside nine minutes. So I’d guess about one every five minutes until my storage gets maxed (my domain host has since set up a cronjob to delete them that runs every five minutes).
Bad Behaviour
Comment Quicktags
ESF 1.0 Feed
Fancy Excerpt
Fancy Tooltips
Follow URL
Force Word Wrapping
Frame Buster
Mod-Rewrite Trackback Spam Blocker
Official Comments
RSD 1.0
Simple Search & Replace
Tag RemixAs for the phpinfo, heres what I got, I’ve just copypasted it if that’s OK (file is at
System Linux 2.4.30-grsec #1 Wed Apr 20 07:39:42 BST 2005 i686
Build Date Apr 21 2005 14:20:32
Configure Command ‘./configure’ ‘–prefix=/usr’ ‘–with-xml’ ‘–enable-bcmath’ ‘–enable-calendar’ ‘–with-curl’ ‘–with-dom’ ‘–with-dom-xslt’ ‘–with-dom-exslt’ ‘–with-swf=/usr/local/flash’ ‘–enable-ftp’ ‘–with-gd’ ‘–with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local’ ‘–with-png-dir=/usr’ ‘–with-xpm-dir=/usr/X11R6’ ‘–with-gettext’ ‘–with-imap’ ‘–with-kerberos’ ‘–with-mcrypt’ ‘–with-mhash’ ‘–with-ming=../ming-0.2a’ ‘–enable-magic-quotes’ ‘–with-mysql’ ‘–enable-discard-path’ ‘–with-pear’ ‘–enable-safe-mode’ ‘–enable-sockets’ ‘–enable-track-vars’ ‘–with-ttf’ ‘–with-freetype-dir=/usr’ ‘–enable-gd-native-ttf’ ‘–enable-versioning’ ‘–with-xmlrpc’ ‘–with-zip’ ‘–with-zlib’
Server API CGI
Virtual Directory Support disabled
Configuration File (php.ini) Path /home/usrback/Zend/etc/php.ini
PHP API 20020918
PHP Extension 20020429
Zend Extension 20021010
Debug Build no
Thread Safety disabled
Registered PHP Streams php, http, ftp, compress.zlibForum: Plugins
In reply to: Trackback ‘link back’ checkerUnfortunately it turns out that I can’t use RK because I don’t have url::fopen on my server, but I have Bad Behaviour already which apparently tackles referrer spam
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Trackback ‘link back’ checkerThat was probably what I was thinking of, thanks!
[EDIT] I now KNOW that RK was the plugin I was thinking of, from this line on its Codex description ‘This criteria includes, whether or not the page returns a 403 (access denied), a 404 (not found), or whether or not your URL was found on the referring page'[/EDIT]
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Awesome BlogsMine is Spontaneous Monotony (do not read if you hold great personal affection for Micro$uck or the copywrong industry :P)
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Download scriptsSorry, question is now irrelevant because I’ve discovered it works fine without the CHMOD-ing
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Nofollow for linksAfter I added the code Coldforge gave me (I had to do it to link-manager.php AND link-add.php but I had guessed that already) and it is now working fine. Thanks a lot Coldforge and Pplproof, I can now get a blogroll set up!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Nofollow for linksI realise that nofollow isn’t much use against spam, but I don’t see why I should donate PageRank to sites that won’t reciprocate (I don’t use nofollow for comments/trackbacks). All of the plugins in the WP Plugin Manager (I have the current version, 1.7) are for adding nofollow to comments, not sidebar). Preferably, I would like to be able to disable the XFN generator thing and just type in the ‘rel’ attributes that I want myself.