Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Gutenberg] Please, Stop it.@batonac With the greatest respect, this is totally the RIGHT place for contributions, criticisms and venting frustrations.
If this Gutenberg plug indicates the future direction of travel for the core block editor, then something needs to be said here (and on Github, Trac etc) to provide feedback and try to effect change.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Gutenberg] Cool, but it’s going to mess with WPIt shouldn’t be a part of the WordPress core system, but it should still exist…but the way the WordPress team is trying to push this down people’s throat is truly sad.
Absolutely 100% agree with this!!!!
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Gutenberg] Gutenberg is still a hot messThanks for your response.
I hear you, modernizing the rest of the dashboard is something we hope to do as we move further away from the current Gutenberg phases.
No please…if this is “modernising”, then please don’t touch the rest of the dashboard. Leave it alone. Or at least allow us to switch it all off and revert back to what our clients are used to.
I speak to many other developers and advanced WP users who say exactly the same thing. You’ve already admitted there are bugs, UI issues and inconsistencies. When it impacts so heavily on the underlying user experience, Gutenberg is simply not ready for production sites yet. There’s a certain arrogance in having something forced upon everyone.
The first thing I do when I set up a new install is to add the Classic Editor plugin.
Creating Gutenberg blocks is very cumbersome
What do you find most cumbersome?I literally find the whole process laborious and cumbersome. Loads of tutorials online such as And that’s before any customisation of blocks to do specific things.
Unless I have to use ACF or some other plugin to create the blocks. But I do very customised options and this may not be practical. Plus it shouldn’t come to this.
I don’t have time, I don’t approve of it and most importantly my clients don’t like the new interface. But as a developer I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. For the foreseeable future, I will be sticking with the classic editor and custom fields (using ACF or Carbon Fields).
If and when this no longer becomes possible (no doubt because of yet more Automattic arrogance) and things don’t markedly improve, then I will have to seriously consider my future with WP.
Sad to say that as I’ve been a developer since WPMU 1.3!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Return an array of ID'sThanks, I was getting myself a bit confused as I needed a clean array of top level page ID’s and I wasn’t getting it until I did a foreach.
So for others, this is my answer (thanks to Esmi too ??
$pageids = array(); $arrs=get_pages( array( 'parent' => 0,'post_type' => 'page', 'post_status' => 'publish' ) ); foreach($arrs as $arr){ $excludeparents[] = $arr->ID; } //print_r($excludeparents);
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Return an array of ID'sYes I did – but I could only seem to return the parent ID of child/grandchild posts and more specifically of that current page. Rather than just a list of all top level Page ID’s.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Showing quantity with add_to_cart shortcodeNope, nada. So in the end, for consistency I just made sure all add to basket-type buttons showed no quantity options at all. Quantities are then changed on the Cart page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tweet Blender] [Plugin: Tweet Blender] Avatar images sizes wrong in IE8To fix this IE 8.0 weirdness, you’ll need to hack the plugin CSS. So in 3.3.15 go to the plugins directory > tweet-blender > css > tweets.css and find
a.tb_photo img
. Then comment out the width line.So it’ll be something like this:
a.tb_photo img { margin-right: 4px; /*width: 48px;*/ padding: 3px; border: 1px solid #ddd; }
That should then make the avatars appear square at normal size.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tweet Blender] [Plugin: Tweet Blender] Avatar image width in IETo fix this IE 8.0 weirdness, you’ll need to hack the plugin CSS. So in 3.3.15 go to the plugins directory > tweet-blender > css > tweets.css and find
a.tb_photo img
. Then comment out the width line.So it’ll be something like this:
a.tb_photo img { margin-right: 4px; /*width: 48px;*/ padding: 3px; border: 1px solid #ddd; }
That should then make the avatars appear square at normal size.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: WordPress SVN repository broken?Wierd. My original message was 4 months ago and subsequently resolved itself (sorry, can’t remember how). Although every so often I do have intermittent issues with either checking out from the svn repository or updating and existing install.
I’m not aware I use Comcast unless they are also a backbone provider and/or slot somewhere into the many hops from my VPS to the WP svn repository?
Anyway, reassuring to know its not just me!
What you should actually do is go to the file ‘ft-password-protect-children-pages/ft-password-protect-children-pages.php’ and change all three instances of
$ancestors = $post->ancestors;
$ancestors = get_post_ancestors($post);
This then appears to be totally compatible with WP 3.2.1 and doesn’t throw up any nasty errors.
As you can see, there’s been no response on my original question!
So the solution I applied was to move wp-config.php back up into the root level and then lock that file down as best I could using .htaccess rules.
Not ideal but nothing else worked.
This article was also written by the plugin author himself!!
By the way, I said TDO Mini Forms didn’t work properly from 3.1 onwards. And with the documentation having always been patchy and what with the plugin now not even being actively developed or supported, I’m afraid I stand by my assertion.
I’m not bashing any developer (really, I’m not!), but congratulations can only go so far when you’re up against it with your own clients, trying to work with a plugin that is simply no longer reliable.
But this comes with experience.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Collapse-O-Matic] Auto collapseWow, excellent – I must’ve missed that feature when I read through your site.
The terminology “Highlander” isn’t self-explanatory when scanning down your page which is maybe why I didn’t notice it. It would also help if the code snippets matched the actual live examples (including the sample text) – took me a while to work out exactly where I had to add the highlander text – in the clicky bit or the expandy bit!
Anyway, working a treat now – thanks very much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: TDO Mini Forms] how to use Geo MashupYeah, I looked at this integration over a year ago (Dylan, you might remember me!).
Basically a third party had built Geo Mashup integration into an older version of TDO, but open-source being what it is, it was never continued into further versions of TDO. So it broke!
Shame, but there we go.
Yeah, don’t bother man.
Note that this plugin is no longer being supported or developed by the author and doesn’t work properly with anything above WP 3.0.5. See here for more info!
The TDO learning curve was quite steep (believe me I’ve been there!) and often things still didn’t work quite as expected.
Save your time/energy and go for a product that is current and supported. I use Gravity Forms for most of my development and to be honest there’s not a lot of other similar products out on the market at the moment.