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  • Thread Starter MrArtist


    So, earlier today I searched Google for “WP Editor Widget” and the first link I get is:

    Under the Reviews tab I see just a clickable list (titles only) of reviews I could read.

    If I go to the new directory for that plugin:
    I see exactly the same page when I click on the “Read all 16 reviews” shown just after the two latest reviews.

    In both instances I am taken to the same useless page:

    I say ‘useless’ because without a lot of work dipping in and out of each, I cannot read the comments people make, nor the responses. There is often useful information in the comments, but as potential users or even when troubleshooting, we’ll never (easily) get to see it.

    I checked your link for JetPack and it’s the same – I just see the titles, a star rating and that’s it. How could anyone be bothered to click in and out of each one and read any more than two or three random ones out of all 88 pages?

    Thread Starter MrArtist


    I don’t think I’m reviewing the ‘new’ plugin directory? Probably not. Just the daft way of reading people’s reviews that seems to exist in old and new versions of the directory.

    I followed an interesting plugin link earlier and it seemed to take me to the ‘old’ directory which suffers the same problem with limited title list-views of reviews under the Reviews tab.

    Incidentally, at the top of that ‘old’ page there is a link saying
    Test out the new Plugin Directory and let us know what you think.” – there is a link to the new directory but not any link/clue anywhere I can see to let me actually have my say.

    In any case, the problem exists in both old and new directories. Why do I have to slowly dip in and out of each ‘forum style’ review title just to read the contents of each, one by one? It’s pointless and in no way helps anyone, in fact why would anyone ever bother writing a review if people rarely get to read anything more than the title such as: “My users will love it”, “Works Perfectly” or “Works ok”?

    I think we need to see the contents of all the reviews immediately in one long scrollable list, not buried away where no one will bother looking/reviewing.



    I had this problem last night but I think I worked it out.

    Using the plugin and its button that appears on the text editor to insert the code for the form, it adds on the end:
    center=”off” center_margin=”200″

    I used a screen ruler to measure the width of my form (or guess it), mine was 470 pixels, and then change the line as follows:

    center=”on” center_margin=”470

    I haven’t fully tested it yet on all browsers and devices but it does seem to centre okay but apparently GR’s forms are not “responsive” so maybe my form at 470px wide could be problematic, maybe best to use tall and narrow forms instead.

    Just installed, getting the same error here.

    PHP Exif is installed. My test image is sideways and shows correct on a desktop image viewer that reads the rotation.

    Image did upload and make the various size copies but not corrected rotation.

    Shame. Would be nice to find a fix but repeated attempts have same error.

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