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This is my shortcode:
[ajax_load_more cache=”true” cache_id=”9493725251″ cta=”true” cta_position=”after:1″ cta_repeater=”template_1″ preloaded=”true” seo=”true” repeater=”template_2″ post_type=”post” preloaded=”true” preloaded_amount=”10″ category=”popular” posts_per_page=”2″ max_pages=”10″ scroll_distance=”100″ transition=”fade” transition_speed=”500″ pause=”true” pause_override=”true”]I know that is why I put it there. But when the page loads it is shown which means the alm has loaded the first page with the call to action and the reader might not even go to there. So if the reader doesn’t go there we don’t need alm showing anything. Isn’t that the idea of the scroller to trigger when the reader hits the shortcode and to load the scroller.
Sorry I mean article. For example if you go to ->
and open console, you will see “Hello!” which means the ALM scroll has triggered the first page. ALM has to load when the reader hits the almost the end of the page. The shortcode is embed just after the postThank you. This helps but now loads the first page of ALM with the particle
Thank you very much for the help.
I have one more question when a post loads I now from the console that without scrolling down the first 2 pages from ajax load more are loaded.
Sorry for the stupid questions (I am a beginner but I love the opportunities that ALM gives)Ahh Thank you very much now the positioning is working…
But why there are 5 posts per page when I have posts_per_page=”3″