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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Solution for 404’s after category removalHi,
I suppose category url serves a purpose when it comes to site content organisation. But when it comes to SEO, it is better to not have categories in all circumstances. I do have subcategories in terms of my menu with a parent and child “martial-arts/mma.”Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple issues after 5.4 upgradeThanks for the help Malcolm. I cleared out the cache (WP fastest Cache) 7 or 8 times, all of it. Still the same issue, although I do have a little more info. It’s specifically the paragraph and headings blocks that won’t work. I get the “This block has encountered and error and cannot be previewed.” every time I try to create a new one. Absolutely no idea what is going on.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple issues after 5.4 upgradeHi Nigel,
Thank you very much for the help. My bad with the full screen issue. I was focusing on the block editor issue and didn’t realise my own stupidity re Fullscreen mode.But the block editor issue is ongoing. I cannot edit blocks in visual mode.
I have since upgraded the hosting to 7.3 (it was 7.0).
The only critical issue is “All automatic updates are disabled.” But I do get the notifications for WordPress updates and now have the latest WordPress version 5.4.
But this issue only started after updating.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Version 5.4 bugsHey,
thank you very much indeed, yes I need to submit a ticket as it is making editing so much extra hassle and time-consuming. Can you please let me know how I submit a ticket, I would really appreciate it,
Many thanks,
Ross.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] Too many redirects using Redirection plugin by John GodleyHi,
Your link discusses “Theme my login” plugin. I am having a redirect issues with the “Redirection” plugin. I don’t want to uninstall it, then reinstall only for it to add additional problems. When I look at the site now there are multiple 301 redirects. Some of which existed even before this plugin was installed. Does WordPress create 301’s automatically? I also have Yoast installed. The url in question
more importantly the specific url causing the problem
ThankyouForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] Redirect keeps happening even on deletionHi,
Yes I am experiencing the same thing. I use the “Redirection” plugin for WordPress.
First there was the old url; mydomain/lost-key/24-hour-locksmith/. Which was redirected to; mydomain/lost-keys/24-hour-locksmith/. I then changed the setting in wordpress and made the child page “no parent” resulting in url to; mydomain/24-hour-locksmith/ for seo purposes.
I then set up the redirect from mydomain/lost-keys/24-hour-locksmith/ to
mydomain/24-hour-locksmith/Chrome is now telling me
“The webpage at https://www.mydomain/24-hour-locksmiths/ has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.
Learn more about this problem.
Error code: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS”The site seems to load in Explorer and firefox, but not safari or chrome even after clearing cookies, refresh, clear cache on “w3c super cache” plugin etc. What to do?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove duplicate meta descriptions from headeroh ok, thanks
RossForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Remove duplicate meta descriptions from headerHi,
I am having the same issue and I cannot seem to resolve it even by changing the theme. As each theme has a different header.php. How can I stop this from happening when I change the theme? Everytime I do change it is still pulling in the “Site Title” + “SEO Title” to form the “page title” as one sentence. Also the meta description is the first few lines from the first on page paragraph, while there is also a second meta description (Which is the correct meta description). The h1 & h2 are also jumbled up as far as I can see. (Using screaming Frog to view)Domain:
I looked for the code example above but it is different in the current theme I am using. I have placed the code from “Kickstart theme” I am using below. I’m not overly familiar with PHP, thankyou very much.
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