Yes, I’m have the anonymous users too. I was able to delete 250 at a time by dropping down “screen options” in the “All Users” list and changing to 250 shown at a time. It wouldn’t allow the delete with 500 users showing.
I’m not an expert, however, a separate plugin that does maintenance might be a solution since I notice the anonymous users have a blank email field. Would a periodic delete of Role=Anonymous AND Email=blank be an easy query to automate? Assuming wp logs a creation date and time, maybe a setting for allowable age of entry or max number of entries could be included.
My gripe is that I had to do a google search to find this thread since I don’t see a search feature on the support page of I am a gold cart paid customer but I shouldn’t have to use the paid support for this issue. I should have been able to search for “anonymous”. This thread is only listed as “spam . . .”
Craig Carman craig.carman -at-