– What other plugins are you using?
Pretty vanilla commons in a box
– Are you running Commons In A Box
yes but despite recent grumblings I’ve heard I don’t think it has happened since the xbox 1.0.5 update. I just did a tour of all the sites in the femtechnet network and I don’t see anything in the Trash that doesn’t belong there. Maybe the answer is “Update the buddy press docs plugin to current.”
– Does the problem only happen with non-admin users?
Probably but at the time I was seeing it admins weren’t doing much if any doc editing/creating
– Does the problem only happen with docs that are/are not associated with a group?
– Does the problem only happen with Docs of a certain privacy level?
not sure, they *might* have been a mixture of public and private groups certainly no hidden ones
– Does it happen when someone tries to create the doc, when the docs are edited, or is it really happening when no one has touched the doc at all?
I think it was happening soon after they had created the doc but after they had saved and gone on to other tasks