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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Pinboard] Missing Next & Previous Links in PostsWould be great if it’s gonna be added to the theme itself.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No theme specific entries on theme->customizationStill have that problem, have set up a test domain and installed there a clean WP with a clean DB. Installed nothing else just clicked directly on design->themes->customize on theme twenty13. As there are also items missing (navigation entry left is missing) I assume it is a server problem. But I don’t know what is/could be missing or where I should look. Any hint is appreciated. TIA
Thanks a lot, after a first short test it seems to work like expected. Again, thank you.
Thanks, but I’m not a coder, just using WordPress for my site/blog, so I have no real clue what you say/how to realize that. Maybe it could be added as a feature for the next WP release?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No theme specific entries on theme->customizationJust to be sure that there is not a php problem (and because it was on my todo list) I upgraded to Debian Wheezy. But this problem still exist and therefore I’m unable to switch my theme — at least I could not set it up right, ’cause I can’t setup the header logo.
It’s not only one theme, it seems to affect all. Disabling all plugins didn’t help either.
Firefox: yes
Chrome: yes
Konqueror: no
Opera: yes
Arora: noThat’s all browsers installed on my system, sorry to be not able to tell about IE and safari.
Thanks for your answer, but I don’t want to completely disable the comments at the media pages. I just want them to be closed after a defined amount of time – such as they’re closed on posts. But before that time is reached they should be open.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No theme specific entries on theme->customizationThanks for your answer. At Clear Line I’m missing the navigation tab on theme->customization. But Clear Line was an example that it is not only one theme which has problems. I’d like to switch from Clear Line to Pinboard but I’m unable to set my header logo in Pinboard because the accordion tab in customizing is missing.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No theme specific entries on theme->customizationI just tried with a clean install, new database, commented out all settings in apache config, just installed the new theme, but: I get the same error, I can’t setup the theme’s header because that entry isn’t showing up in the left menu in theme->customize.
Any idea is appreciated.
As said it’s my local test site. I will update the plugin on my live site, if I’m comfortable with it. Unfortunately I’m not able to test it cause it needs a publicly available server. So it’s a ring here: It need a public server, but I put it publicly after I tested it, which I can’t. So I think I have to look for another “related post”-plugin.
In Konqueror and arora the share buttons don’t get displayed at all, not sure to call that “rendering issues”.
True, I could add more buttons now, that is fixed. I now noticed that the buttons didn’t get displayed in some browsers (e. g. Konqueror and Arora). Javascript and cookies are enabled, no plugins are installed to them.
For the related content issue I could give you the url but I think that won’t help, cause it’s localhost. Why do this thingie need a connection to your servers? Other related content plugins works without IIRC. I always test new things/updates on my local test site. If they work I also install them on my live site, if they don’t work, I don’t install them. Therefore I can’t provide you with an public accessible URL, sorry.
– Updated, couldn’t get it up, had to disable an re-enable the plugin.
– Couldn’t add any service to the list of services, always get an error about says I reached the maximum of buttons. If I delete a button I still get that error. WTF?
– That multi-sharing/shareaholic-app-for-sharer-thingie seems to be a big error by itself. People on my site should share as easy as possible and not apply to a bunch of apps.
– Why is the german heading (Weitersagen hei?t unterstüzen) gone?
– Related content isn’t working.
– I think there were some other issues I forget here.Oh, btw: before I change my browser settings or disable a browser plugin I disable shareaholic, because everything worked before. That said: Cookies are enabled, Javascript also.
I installed it only on my local test site, my productive site will stay with at least as long there are that much problems in 7.x
Had the same problem, enabling cookies did the trick for me, maybe it works for you also? But: I don’t know if it’s worth trying ATM as there a same other problems (e. g. unable to setup the services list, or have a look in the forum here).
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Pinboard] Empty spaces on homepageWith 1.0.9. I also get the spaces between the articless, so I need your fix there too.
What I was trying too say: ATM the left and right article “boxes” always start at the same height, which is the the end point from the larger box above + the margin/padding. Say, you have 2 article boxes, the left one is 50 long (units doesn’t matter here), the right one is 64 long. The both boxes after them will start at 64+padding/margin, which will cause that the whitespace is not the same between the boxes. My question was/is: Is it possible to start the next article independently from the article in the other column? So that the article always starts at “previous article in the same column”+padding/margin.