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  • @the Forge

    Which version of WordPress is the 1.3 version of this theme for downloaded from your site? There seems to be some confusion if it works with WordPress 3.0 and upwards, or if you have to use the lesser WP 2.x version with it.

    Also, is the 1.3 theme version newer than the version listed on WordPress for download?

    funny, i had the same issues trying to install the latest rc2 version, yet the lesser stable version installed ok. two times i tried installing rc2 and kept getting a blank screen each time on the install page like the first poster.

    I agree about this, for example I’m posting movie information about films coming in the future. It’s no use to me that movie only being published live for reading (on that date) 6 months from now that I write for people to know about now. I still want to add it to the correct date it gets released for watching, so dates match-up. But I want people to be able to read that post now, not in 6 months time when the movie is already with us.

    There should be a default setting in wordpress that shows all future posts still live to be read, or at least to give you the option to do it, or not.

    This problem is there in WordPress 2.8.6. Both on a localhost and a live site I’m running, I’m getting the same errors every now and then:

    [13-Nov-2009 01:34:29] PHP Warning: gzuncompress() [<a href='function.gzuncompress'>function.gzuncompress</a>]: data error in F:\wamp\www\wp-includes\http.php on line 1792

    I get the same code and line number on my live site too online using a domain.(1792)

    Strange thing is, I wasn’t getting this error when using WordPress 3.8.4. Only after upgrading to 3.8.5 onwards did it start appearing. They made some changes to the HTPP file in 3.8.5 from 3.8.4 security wise. Since then this error has been popping-up. But it wasn’t there in 3.8.4

    And the fixes in this thread don’t work for me either. WordPress need to get this sorted out! Because a lot of people are getting it. It looks like something they changed when going from 3.8.4 to 3.8.5 started making this to happen.

    if (($needed_capability && current_user_can($needed_capability))|| !$recaptcha_opt['re_comments']) {


    You do realize with your fix “zombaya” above, that this line of code is displayed in 4 different places in the wp-recaptcha.php file. Yet you say it only needs editing in one place (on line 301). Can you be a little more clear on this.

    The code for me first starts on line (303), then is also displayed on these lines as well: (333, 447, 531)

    Here is more infomation:

    Line: 303
    if (($needed_capability && current_user_can($needed_capability)) || !$recaptcha_opt['re_comments']) {

    Line: 333
    if (($needed_capability && current_user_can($needed_capability)) || !$recaptcha_opt['re_comments']) {

    Line: 447
    if (($needed_capability && current_user_can($needed_capability)) || !$recaptcha_opt['re_comments'])

    Line: 531
    if (($needed_capability && current_user_can($needed_capability)) || !$recaptcha_opt['re_comments']

    Lines (447 and 531) are not exactly the same as the first two lines, but lines (303 and 333) are exactly the same. So do you still say edit only the first line only on line 303?

    Taking into account this extra information I’ve posted up?

    I think I’ve spotted the problem, are you using the Ads Blocker program with FF called AdBlock Plus? I just disabled it and now flash uploading is working fine in FF.

    Something must have happened when it was still activated when the FF update came through. Now I’ve just re-activated AdBlock Plus and flash uploading is working fine in FF. If your using it, try disabling it, then re-enabling it again. Then try flash uploading.

    When 2.8 user upload image by flash uploader, wp will ask username and password again, Though I have already logged in.

    I’m having the same problem also now with FireFox and the Flash uploader (IE is working fine).

    I think I know what it is, I was using FF earler and was having no problems uploading images with the flash uploader. I notice this morning my FF updated itself automaticly, and then this problem started.

    So I’m sure this is an FF problem with the new FF update that I recieved later on this morning is when it started happening with flash uploads asking me to log-in.

    I use ASO (A Small Orange) and the auto updates works fine for me. There is a list on WordPress somewhere with web host listed they know auto updates works fine with. Mine is listed as one of them.

    No problems here.

    Sorry, please ignore what I said above. There does indeed appear to be all sorts of problems not releated the the ID style side of things.

    Ah, I know what the problem is. The plugin is calling a “div id” multiple times on one page, you can only call an ID one time only on the same page, or it will fail validation. So if you have 20 articles advertised on one page displaying the tweet button, your repeating that same ID 20 times. Which will give you 20 errors.

    Were as you can call a “div class” multiple times and it will still pass XHTML validation (Even Strict).

    That’s the problem. They should have used a “class” instead of an “ID” like this:

    <div class=”tweetmeme_button”

    And in their stylesheet used:

    .tweetmeme_button {
    border: bla;

    instead of this below for styling

    #tweetmeme_button {
    border: bla;

    And if they are using an ID because it makes use of classes under it. They still could have done it like this.

    .tweetmeme_button {
    border: bla;

    .tweetmeme_button .classone {
    border: bla;

    .tweetmeme_button .classtwo {
    border: bla;

    So they avoid using an “ID” for style

    Removed – read below!

    Maybe that just the theme your using. I’ve just created a wide version of the default Kubrick theme, and it works ok with images.

    See it here: mrGTB Blog

    I’m not refering to your underscore problem though.

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