Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Thinglink Official Plugin] Unable to embed imageThe “Insert from URL” functionality within WordPress only works with a URL that points directly to an image or video (eg. the URL ends with .jpg, .gif, or .png.) This allows you to pull an image from a website, instead of having to upload the image onto your own server.
The link from the Thinglink webpage ends in numbers, like this: If you are trying to put a thinglink on a page, from the thinglink site, grab the embed code under the Share option, and you can embed the Thinglink by putting that embed code under “Text” in the Post or Page editor.
This plugin allows you to use the ThingLink editor to tag photos directly on your blog (uploaded from the Add Media button BEFORE you’ve added tags through ThingLink. If you have already created the ThingLink, your only option would be to embed the item.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multisite Theme Statistics] Blank PageCan I pick up where @timmmmyboy left off? I’m seeing the same issue.
Blank page has no source code at all.
Here are the results from the Network tab in Chrome:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Global Search] Feature requests+1 for the ability to search sites on a multisite instance. Not the content of the sites necessarily, but the listing of site titles as would appear in the Sites Directory on a Network.
That would be awesome.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Mercury] Avatars on bbPressNo worries. @r-a-y sorted it out for me. The P2 page template wasn’t really playing nice with bbPress, so he created a page template with some inline CSS. Not the most elegant solution, but ensures we only need to include one file back into the theme when you update.
That was my experience as well, but other users expressed having issues, and activating JSON seemed to rectify it, as seen in that forum post from iOS. It seemed quite random, and has possibly been repaired. Seems the only way to test is in development. I’ll check it out.
That helps immensely. That’s the “more elegant” solution I knew greater minds could conjure.
I should also thank you for that post, which @blobaugh pointed at in reference to this ticket, so I’ve got most of the modules already filtered, but I couldn’t seem to sort out how to do the same with the Plugin Management. I’m not sure if I can disable JSON-API without negatively affecting the iOS app –(which is odd)– on our multisite.
Thanks for the help.
Scratch that. The previous pastebin only did half the job, hiding the nag on the Jetpack Settings page. Then I found the large banner nag on the Dashboard. Because some of the CSS seems to be and marked !important, the best I could come up with was changing it to visibility: hidden;, instead of display: none;, which leaves a gapping hole in the header of the dashboard, but hides the Activate button, which was my objective until someone comes in with the more elegant solution.
In the meantime, until the “Learn More” link is populated with info and I can get a better sense of what this allows (the link to is currently broken), I’ve hidden the prompt to Activate Site Management with this mu-plugin
I’m not sure what else I’m hiding when I kill the class, so this fix is pretty temporary.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Menu Icons by ThemeIsle] Compatibility With WPML?Awesome. Thanks for that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Links] BP Links Menu Item in WP AdminDid you install the link-manager?
I don’t have link manager installed. Unless the dev of BP Links somehow looped in that capability, I don’t see how that would be relevant. Most BuddyPress plugins rely on the “read” capability so that subscriber level users can still interact socially. I would hazard a guess that the other thread in which you found that info might be misguided.How do you have yours activated?
BP Links is activated only on the main site.
How do you have BP activated? Network or Main Site?BP is Network activated. I don’t believe it’s possible to activate BP just on the main domain on a Network. I think you are only given the option of Network Activation.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Links] BP Links Menu Item in WP AdminI’m not sure if this helps at all, but on my set-up (same versions of everything) Links is activated only on the main domain, despite the fact that BuddyPress is network activated (as is required on a Multisite instance).
Within the dashboard of the main domain (, NOT /wp-admin/network) the BP Links menu appears for me right at the very bottom, just above “Collapse Menu”
What happens when you attempt to navigate directly to the Settings page with the plugin activated just on the main domain?
Try to go here as a logged in Admin:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Links] HTML issues fixed (patch attached)@manakio2k you should probably create a separate forum thread for this issue as it is most likely unrelated. It would be helpful if you could include the version of WP and BP in that separate post, and whether or not your site is a multisite, and if so, is the plugin activated network wide or just on the main domain.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Links] HTML issues fixed (patch attached)@elementgreen Thanks for doing the leg work on this. Worked out perfectly and fixed the issues I have having today implementing this plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Imsanity] Image Rotation on UploadI’ve tested this on a few different sites and it seems to have fixed the rotation issue on Bulk Resize. I haven’t seen any impact on other images. I resized about 200 images that were a mix of 4000×3000 and 3000×4000 down to 1024×768 and 768×1024.
I’m not seeing the change on the dashboard in regards to Space Used, once the bulk resize is complete, but that might be a separate issue fit for a different thread. For what it’s worth I’m also running WP 4.0Beta2 which could either infer future readiness, or taint the sample depending on if you are a glass half full or glass half empty kinda person.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Docs] Something's MissingI am in need of a doc for this rash that I’m trying to clear up. This plugin was no help. I think you should be more clear about how all this works. I’m very disappointed.