Forum Replies Created
It is NOT true. Giving the Amelia customer user role in itself does NOTHING, like in ZERO, nada, No sir, nana. try it… if it works, upload a video to your youtube channel.
In theory, in the buddyboss Amelia integration clicking the “Create Customers from WP Users with Amelia Customer Role” should match the WordPress user and the Amelia Customer role, right? I have tried that several times, and nothing happens.(But again it is a manual process, so it would not help anything).
So, the only way to get the “login” to work as you mention is to MANUALLY match the WordPress user to the Amelia customer inside the Amelia customer section. And who have time for that?????
I hope your developers make it work as you mention.
I really do not understand why you don’t make two plugins, one for the hairdressers who do not need WordPress users, and one plugin based on the WordPress users.PS: we were some of the early buyers of Amelia when you launched it on theme forest many years ago, but we did not really use it back then. When we saw you added Buddyboss integration, we got eager and purchased it once again from your website…. We always liked the look, and now we really like all the functionality and integration. But it is such a bummer that it still doesn’t work with the WordPress user system, it makes it useless for community/course sites etc.
Hallo Amelia WAKE UP.
You even state Buddyboss / buddybress integration it is COMMUNITY plugins, meaning the users will be LOGGED IN. So why cant amelia work with that??? Need to login omg
We start having issues when we add new pages for restrictions, they are not getting blocked, old restriction keeps working. I think this plugin needs an update.