Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Making Featured "Post Thumbnail" Images url Linkable???Hey there, you could try what I do in my index.php which has a list of the articles, their posts, and set the image to go to the article its associated with like so:
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>" style="glossy"> <img src="<?php bloginfo(template_url); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php if (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'thumbnail', true) ) { ?> <?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, "thumbnail", $single = true); ?> <?php } else {?><?php echo catch_that_image() ?> <?php }?>&h=139&w=206&zc=1" alt="<?php the_title() ?>" /> </a>
…but of course, this is set within the loop:
<?php if (have_posts()) :?>
.You can pull these images from any category or set by tags, etc. I hope this sets you in the right direction!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] [Plugin: Contact Form 7] Validation Not Working Anymore (?)Tried deactivating and reinstalling the Contact Form 7 plugin, no dice. It must be another plugin messing with it. Any ideas people?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] [Plugin: Contact Form 7] Validation Not Working Anymore (?)I really need some help with this one, my forms aren’t working properly and its IMPERATIVE that verification works for these!
Any takers? ??
I fixed it…apparently there was an index.html left in the root (don’t ask me HOW it got there) but even with my .htaccess file setting the index to index.php, it remains a complete mystery to me! I’m very put out how this happened or what this has to do with the Maintenance Mode plugin, but I am NEVER using it again.
Special thanks to Rich ‘elfin’ Pedley for their help in my moment of catastrophe! I appreciate your quick response and helpful idea ??
I don’t see it there. Other than the .htaccess, that’s the only visible .* file I can see. I can’t believe this one plugin is ruining my entire website. This is ridiculous!!
I’m able to get to my /wp-admin and log-in, and work in the back-end, but when I try viewing the root (index) of the site, it redirects to this 304.php, even though (a) I tried renaming this file to something else to break it, still happens…and (b) I tried taking out the .htaccess file to see if it might have anything to do with that, still nothing changed…and (c) I tried taking out W3 Total Cache AND the Maintenance Mode plugin altogether…and still nothing works!
What did it do to my site??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Contact Form 7] How to add javascriptHave to use jQuery and CSS hooks, apparently:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] [Plugin: Contact Form 7] Textbox ArrayTakayuki…you are fantastic! I’ve been searching for a resolution to this issue for months! Thanks for covering this issue, I’ve been utilizing a jQuery field duplicator but couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to pass text field values (“Array” issue).
Thanks so much, now I just have to figure out how to loop them to come out in proper order with the other passing fields. I appreciate your tip!
My apologies…meant to leave the plugin I worked into the form. You can use the code I placed above for a reference of what to put in the CF7 interface:
Just know that the combo boxes work perfect…the text fields are throwing the “array” problem.
I tried contacting the plugin developer, and he hasn’t responded to anything yet. This really should be addressed as a Contact Form 7 addition, seeings how 2-dimensional contact forms are considered stone age to Web 2.0 standards.
Having a dynamic form is essential, and if needs be, I’ll just have to work one directly onto a template page and leave Contact Form 7 to catch up with the times.
I’ll let you know if I get anywhere, but my best advice is to look to utilizing a dynamic form code into a template page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP PrestaShop@eskaigualer Thanks for the tip, getting desperate at this point.
What is the point in adding an iframe to your site?? That’s not integration, that’s actually frowned upon by SEO standards. Anyone else who knows how to integrate PS into WP, please contact me.
The only alternative is a module from the PS community:
Why they haven’t developed more solid CMS integration, I’ll never know. Seems more like if they worked this into their product, it would REALLY take the lead in the ecommerce + WP integration.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Contact Form 7] Change font size in form??Figured it out…
In order to trump the set stylesheet, you can use
but you need to use it thus:<font style="font-size:8px">
Hope that helps anyone as grumbled as I was ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Contact Form 7] Change font size in form??My point is that altering these styles should be made available in the interface rather than having to keep editing the stylesheet.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Contact Form 7] Help changing field heading font colorI just made the changes inside my form content:
<p>First Name: <font color="red">*</font><br /> [text* fname] </p>
MY problem is adjusting the size of specific elements…say if I were to add ‘First Name: INPUT BOX Optional
I can’t change the size of the Optional, I can change it using
, but doesn’t work with<font size='#'>
…what sense does THAT make??This forms NEEDS a Editing Toolbar. You’d think they would’ve considered this already.
CORRECTION: It seems that only the text fields are passing the ‘Array’ problem, not the combo boxes, and this is occurring in BOTH <fieldset>s not just one…if that helps at all.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Contact Form 7] Making required fields conditionalActually..on second thought, this guy keeps posting the same message on almost every CF7 conditional implementation post. KILL THE SPAMMER!!