Forum Replies Created

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  • I find it more worth it to answer the original question than to give two farts to the wind about torrent links.

    I’d like to know if or when Contact Form 7 will include CONDITIONAL form fields…I mean, yeah, its nice, bc without conditional functionality…why wouldn’t I just make my own? Now there’s an idea!

    Thread Starter mrmcq


    For any of you following this, I’ve done some research into creating a customized method into dynamic form field generation…check this out!

    I’m currently trying to set a loop to pass the array for my form fields that are duplicated (combobox + text field).

    I’ll keep this updated.

    For now a simple method could be to just include an ‘Other’ textarea labeled as ‘Other’..however, I’ve been trying to work this out myself for each individual option in a combobox method. The only thing I’ve come up with so far is to include a customized form field method implemented WITH Contact Form 7. I suggest looking into dynamic field behaviors (javascript, AJAX, etc.) that you can include with your contact form.

    Hope this puts you in the right direction, but yes, they should create a dynamic method to this plugin!

    Thread Starter mrmcq


    So still no updates from this?

    Hey Marv,

    I also followed your link from the plugin dev website, and am also experiencing the same IE styling issue, and am just berserk at IE for its consistent inconsistency and incompatibility with certain CSS implements.

    Like you, (in IE) I’m getting the black line beneath my menu overlay which is a real eye-sore! I’m wondering if it maybe because of the image format (PNG as opposed to GIF) that is causing the issue, or a simple block in the CSS that can be adjusted for IE specifications?? It seems, however, that even the demo on the dev’s site is also experiencing this same problem.

    I’ll look into this more but in the meantime, if you could do me a favor and let the dev know that the forum registry is not working properly, I’m not able to complete the registry and/or receiving an email confirmation for login auth.

    Thanks and best of luck!

    GDragon, dude…first off, be a little more of a SUPPORT for the issue for crying out! Secondly, this is a great plug-in that I myself am utilizing on my site. I used to have this same issue, myself, and there are ways of testing in different browsers without actually having a MAC based computer.

    However, 90% of component errors are usually made by the user, but in this case, it may only be because of the lack of enough rated posts/pages to display any data. Try adjusting the data and Save to account for like you said, a ‘minimal’ amount of posts/pages VOTES to say, ‘1’ in order to utilize the widget.

    Side issue:

    I’m having a heck of a time using the GDragon forum site…primarily your search function. I’m trying to do a search for a topic and no matter how many words or characters I enter…I ALWAYS get back the same message:

    The following words in your search query were ignored because they are too common words

    I suggest this be looked into to properly make the forum functional, otherwise, users have to weed through hundreds of posts for the information they’re looking for, which almost completely defeats the purpose. Thanks!



    If you go to Appearance > Mystique Settings, under the Design/colors tab, there is a field for ‘Custom logo image’.

    Hope this helps!



    This plug-in extension still doesn’t seem to have been released. What is the status of this??




    Change .htaccess BRIEFLY to remove any redirect from to or visa vesa. Then go to your blog’s settings and set the wordpress and blog address to the concatenation of your choosing…OTHERWISE, wp and the .htaccess go back and forth trying to redirect.

    Voila, hope this answers some questions…it answered MINE hahaha





    GOT IT…

    I created a rewrite to solve concatenation issues…

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]

    Instead, its sending my new wp blog into a loop without end, which is located as such:…no other .htaccess in any of these folders though. Any thoughts?




    Hey GDHosting,

    This is a common problem I’ve been having when adding new blogs to my GD website…but you were right, it worked after changing the .htaccess file. I’ll try playing with the rewrites and see if anything in particular makes a difference for other people to try! I have the file in my root directory, no .htaccess in the blog folder…so its odd. Will update…



    Thread Starter mrmcq



    Solution: Created new blog in /cinemas8/clients/wp/ and referenced that instead of root /blog/ + Category Excluder, AND the htaccess didn’t need to be changed at all. Just go into /wp-admin/ > Settings, and change the WordPress and Blog Address (URL) to match the canonical changes in your htaccess (from ‘https://zachmcque…&#8217; to https://www.zachmcque…&#8217;.

    Sometimes the simplest solution, is the best solution!

    Gracias mes amis

    Thread Starter mrmcq

    (@mrmcq) Ugh, keep forgetting to close the darn TAG!

    Thread Starter mrmcq


    Sorry henkholland and thank you, didn’t mean to overlook your entry! Yes, I’ve made some changes since yesterday, let me explain.

    I’ve had to uninstall WP blog (/cinemas8/movies/) off the site, and retried fixing the category reference + Category Excluder, which is what you see on the cinemas8/index.php page now. That first entry is actually the code for that attempt…the rest are written in DIRECTLY to the page so disregard those. SO JUST TO BE CLEAR, the ‘Up in the Air’ entry is referenced from the root /blog/ and is NOT an excerpt but the full post content (not sure how the [..] is getting pulled)…only it shows NO image, and NO table formatting. This is my dilemma.

    Ok, for my #1 new install solution listed above with the redirecting issue…it turns out its a problem with my htaccess file. I have set it to fix my canonical issue…but if I take it out, I’m able to get to my new WP blog in right now, I’m taking out my htaccess file for anyone to see FOR JUST TODAY. So please, let me know what your thoughts are.

    So, the question NOW is do I reference /blog/ and find some way to fix the no image, no formatting issue…OR fix my htaccess file to stop the www redirect while still redirecting root folders for canonical issues?

    (*WHEW*)..what a pain..

    Thread Starter mrmcq


    Anymore takers??

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