Hi all,
I’ve just finished hacking the updated khubla.com version of the script and have made the following changes:
– Now checks for WordPress install and loads DB info automatically: no more step 2!
– Inserts post_name data so that permalinks on imported posts will work.
– Cleaned up coding style and switched to WP functions wherever possible (i.e. for string sanitizing and db operations).
– Trimmed out about 100 lines of code.
https://themikecam.com/downloads/import-b2evolution.php.txt (rename to .php, of course)
Simply upload to your wp-admin folder and run.
I’ve tested it on my own b2evo blog, but I’d welcome further testing and would be willing to fix any bugs that arise.
Here’s the unified diff if anyone’s interested: https://themikecam.com/downloads/import-b2evolution.diff.txt