Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Password reset?Duh, sorry, fixed. Time to go back to bed, I think.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple blogs or categories and sub-categories?Thanks for the input, I’ll check those out. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Theme Library is Not seems to be up and running just fine…for me, anyway.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image in header to link back to websiteA search for this issue turns up several answers:
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Get WordPress to shut up about new versionTry logging out and log back in again, or hit f5 or refresh when you’re on your Dashboard page?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Removing no-follow in 2.3.1?Well, I’ve upgraded to 2.3.2 today, and went into the comment-template.php and removed that bit of code, and the do-follow seems to be working once again. So, yay! Hope it stays that way, heheh. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: On a scale of 1 to 10…As someone who was not very skilled in code, or knowing anything about databases, I found wordpress VERY easy to figure out and install, as compared to other blogging platforms like Movable Type. I’ve been using WP for over two years and yes, occasionally I do run into a problem like finding that a plugin stops working, etc.
However, I’ve found that if I just come to the forums and search for answers, describe my issues, and ask nicely for help, my problems are resolved in a timely manner. Ranting is a surefire way to turn people off.
WP may not be for you – maybe you’ll find something else you like better.
FYI – there are several plugins that are not compatible with the latest version of WP. Here is a list of the plugins that are compatible with WP 2.3.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How can I get this “trendy” layout.Have you asked the site owner of where she got her layout, or whether she made it herself? Perhaps she can point you in a helpful direction or might be willing to make one for you.
If you know your way around a graphic program and are willing to learn a little CSS, creating your own theme can be fun.
Other good places to find WordPress layouts, besides, are:
https://weblogtoolscollection.comForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Custom Image Header and ThemeThe GIMP is a free photoediting program with many of the same functions as photoshop. It’s a good one to use if you don’t do a lot of photoediting – photoshop is fairly expensive.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Custom Image Header and ThemeOkay…this might be a silly question, but is the new header the same size as the one that came with the theme?
If it is, you shouldn’t be having any trouble. Try following the advie I gave you before about uploading the new header through an FTP into the themes’s images folder instead of using the WP admin panel. I’ve never had a problem with my images when installing my images into my theme that way.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Removing no-follow in 2.3.1?Buh? Weird!
Well, I’ve started using the comment luv plugin today, it links to a comment author’s latest blog post in the comment they leave, so maybe that’ll be a kind of “quick fix” for now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Removing no-follow in 2.3.1?Ah…that’s kind of why I wondered if there was something altered between 2.3 and 2.3.1 that was causing the trouble…thanks for popping in to have a look. ??
Also – how is it that I can’t view my own source code? Whenever I right click to “View Source” I get a box saying I don’t have permissions…but apparently you can see it?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Removing no-follow in 2.3.1?I’ve double-triple-quadruple checked that line of code on my own comments-template.php page, I’ve altered it as suggested. Grr.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Spammers – helpSpam blockers. Akismet comes in your wordpress plugins folder, you have to activate it and such. Spam Karma is excellent.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Removing no-follow in 2.3.1?What’s the best/safest way to downgrade to 2.3? Maybe that will fix the problem, for now.