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  • If your beta site and database contains all of your latest files, assets and data then moving the entire site would probably be the easiest way to go.

    Just make sure you follow in the instructions.

    Since your domain is changing, it’s not as simple as just coping the files and moving the database. There are references to the domain in database so you will need to do a few extra steps.

    Here’s the corrected link that esmi provided, slight typo.


    How different is your production site from your beta site? Do you really need or want to swap the 2 sites?

    Is it possible to take a step back and explain what you are trying to accomplish and what your goals are?

    Are you trying to avoid bootstrapping WordPress altogether?

    Are you trying to build a plugin/theme that is not dependent on a specific/hardcoded WordPress install location?

    Is this single use code and customizations/hardcoding is acceptable?

    Are you trying to optimize for server performance?

    Are you trying to optimize for client side performance?

    Do you really need to generate CSS on the fly on any given page load?

    From your last post:

    All I really wanted to know (which i tried to explain in my first post) was if there is a “best practice” when you want to bootstrap wordpress from a file within a theme or a plugin. I’m starting to think there isn’t ??

    If that is really all you want to know, then you are probably looking at using the query_vars filter and parse_request action hooks. This will allow you to generically leverage WordPress without having to know or care where WordPress is installed.

    Here’s a possible workflow. Adjust and customize as appropriate for your personal workflow and environments. -> /var/www/site1

    – configure the server and database
    – install and buildout WordPress -> /var/www/site2

    – branch version control from site1
    – dump mysql from site1
    – write a script to do the following
    —- update wp-config.php with necessary changes
    —- mysql dump file search/replace with
    —- Note: search/replace needs to be adjusted for your install and serialized data
    – create new database and restore from the new mysql dump file

    If using .htaccess, it should work on a basic install.

    If not using .htaccess, you will probably want to setup something like

    <Directory ~ "/var/www/site[0-9]{1}">
    # ... directives here ...

    Or, you can script out another process for updating your <Directory> directives.

    The above should work on most installs and configurations. If you have a highly customized install or some plugins, you may need a more complex update script. The workflow is essentially the same as moving a WordPress install to a new domain, except you’re keeping the old site live.

    My regex is a little rusty but you can try this


    Check out the detailed directions here

    Sorry, I rushed the response.

    If your title is “Experience” then you just want to compare the title to the string.

    Try the_title( '', '', false ) this will not prepend or append to the title.

    Or, try get_the_title() which should just return the title as a string.

    You’re missing a Parameter on the_title() in the if condition. It’s currently echoing the value for display rather than returning the value for comparison.

    the_title( '<h2>', '</h2>', false )


    Can you clarify? I’m not sure what you mean when you say “create a subscription account for”.

    1) You want to create a new email account and inbox at [email protected]? With this new email account you want it to function like any other email account.

    2) You have and want to use the Media Temple email service that comes with your gs hosting account?

    If this is correct, it has nothing to do with WordPress or Multisite.

    1) You need to update/verify your Zone file has the correct MX records for the domain pointing to the gs mail servers.

    2) Go to your main Domain Admin in Account Center
    – Go to Enable/Disable Mail settings page and ensure the is set to yes
    – Go to Email Users page and “Add new user”

    Keep in mind, the Zone file settings is done from the admin and the email settings are actually done from the admin.

    What exactly are you trying to do?

    Do you want to setup email accounts and services for the domain? If so, you just need to setup the MX records to point to your email service provider. Email has nothing to do with WordPress.

    If you are referring to how and what emails are sent from WordPress then you need to provide more information as to the specific items you want to change or what issues you are having.

    Sorry, I didn’t respond. It was nighttime and I was asleep. ??

    I’m glad you got it worked out.

    If you have access to the server via FPT or SSH, you can just delete the directory “wordpress-seo” and that should recover your site.

    Did you ever resolve this? Do you still need help?

    If you still need help, can you clarify your use case and workflow?

    – are you making core changes or just themes and plugins
    – can you enable and use htaccess
    – will all revisions be at
    – each rev site is independent and its own DB
    – how are you deploying new rev sites besides git
    – are you copying the DB or fresh new installs each time
    – how much automation do you need

    I run multiple subdirectory installs for testing much as you describe so WP can do what you want. It just depends on your exact workflow and intended use case. It can be simple or complex, with custom setup scripts.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: content

    <!–more–> needs to go into the actual post content when you write the blog post.

    It does not go in the php template file.

    Try changing

    font: Lucida Sans;


    font-family: “Lucida Sans”;


    font is used if you want to use a single declaration to set all the properties.

    Ex. using your values for font-weight, font-size, line-height and font-family

    font: bold 24px/48px “Lucinda Sans”;

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