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  • Thread Starter msmeritt


    Some more info to help zero in. I looked in the activity monitor in Safari to see exactly what was loading and where the freeze happens. Each time, it happens with an item called:{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}

    …where all those x’s are hexadecimal numbers, and it’s always the same numbers each time. A few searches have turned up nothing on this “res” thing, and that’s why I’ve put x’s here — I have no idea if it would be a security breach of some kind for me to post the actual number.

    In any case, here’s what else I have tracked down about this:

    1) It sometimes loads just fine and sometimes doesn’t.

    2) It is a shorter URL than a number of other items which load just fine every time.

    3) It is present in every webpage I’ve tried to load when viewing my website as a normal visitor — it’s in posts, pages, archives, etc.

    4) Within the admin interface, it appears to be present only when I bring up an edit-post or edit-page screen, and it’s because it’s present in the Preview. In other words, this just traces it right back to what I said in #3 above — it appears that it is only called upon by pages that would be viewed by an end user, and nothing else from the admin interface.

    Items 1 & 2 further refute the notion that it is a Mac OS problem that has something to do with long URLs. Clearly, there is something very particular up with this res item with this particular code, and clearly whatever is up, it’s inconsistent since it does load just fine sometimes.

    I hope this is enough to get someone to be able to help me!

    Thread Starter msmeritt


    I should have mentioned that I powered up my Windows machine and tried to view the site and use the admin interface with IE under Windows. I experienced the same problems. I didn’t get the identical error message, but a comparable one. So the problem is not only not isolated to the Safari browser, it’s also not isolated to the Mac OS. I’m not saying it’s a WordPress problem per se, but it’s a problem, ongoing, and I’d like to track down a resolution.

    Thread Starter msmeritt


    Ah, well, funny, just to see, I checked my site again, and now it’s working. Go figure. I guess this is resolved. I’m learning to accept a resolution with mystery as opposed to demanding to understand everything, so I’ll take this just fine ??

    Thread Starter msmeritt


    I agree that the ExecPHP widget is working fine — two other instances are fine, including one which hadn’t been but only as a result of a change in the WP function I was using, which I then fixed.

    I hadn’t checked, but I did now on your suggestion, and the pages are numbered the same as they were. I used numbers precisely because ID codes in a database are not supposed to change, while I thought there may be a chance I’d change page names. Even if I don’t change page names, names are problematic here, because in this case one of the pages I need to reference is called “Contact” with slug “contact,” and this page name and slug are repeated on a different page elsewhere in the page/subpage hierarchy. But the is_page tag seems to have no way to reference a page’s hierarchical place, only its name or slug or ID. Since name and slug will be problematic, I’m left with ID.

    The main puzzle here is that the PHP was working fine for the last several weeks, and it only stopped working once I upgraded to 2.1. Perhaps is_page has changed its functionality as in the other case I had? But I see no documentation that says it has changed. And other that is_page, this is just basic PHP with an “if” and an “echo” — I can’t imagine why this wouldn’t be working.

    I was completely puzzled by this issue, wondering why my Link categories had suddenly been appended to my regular Post Category list and were appearing there in the Category lists for my archives, which just made no sense at all. And I was even more puzzled why my link list pages weren’t working.

    I realized I could exclude the link Categories from my category listings using the wp_list_categories exclude tag, and I realized I had to switch the IDs for the get_links functions. All seems set now.

    Except that I don’t really see why it was deemed beneficial to make these changes. It certainly didn’t benefit me at all to combine the Post and Link categories, it just caused these headaches I had to sort out. At the very least, it would have been nice if there was an obviously publicized place where such changes were outlined so we could have some transparency instead of wandering our way around the support forums.

    Just had to vent somewhere about this ??

    Thread Starter msmeritt


    Ah, found a solution to #1 at Still working on the others…

    I had the same trouble and wanted to get rid of child categories. Though it’s far less convenient now, it’s doable. Use the “exclude” tag within wp_list_categories.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Google Sitemap plugin fix

    Fantastic! I noticed this error immediately after I installed the plugin. Your fix worked beautifully!

    Omigosh, that worked beautifully. Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Followup — while it certainly would be nice if UTW could somehow stop adding the default category as a tag on pages when no tags are desired on pages, I at least did find a workaround with the utw-related-entries widget — I just hacked the code a drop so it only displays on posts instead of pages.

    This thread was helpful advice for me, as I had the same problem. However, a new problem has cropped up. I found a great little widget here — — it creates a list of Related Posts but using UTW tags instead of the methods of other posts. However, unlike the tag archives which seems to know to include only posts and not pages, this widget includes pages.

    Disabling the automatically include primary tag links had the correct effect of stopping tags from displaying on the pages — but it seems that as long as I’ve got UTW set to automatically add the Categories as Tags, it adds the Default Category into the records for each Page — even though there is nowhere on the Pages to modify Tags anyway! UTW obviously keeps adding this info, hiding it in the records for the Pages, and this widget is picking it up.

    Any suggestions?

    Anybody ever come up with a definitive answer on this topic?

    Hope you’ll still be monitoring this thread! I’ve had a problem with Yahoo Tag Suggestions, also. I get an error when I hit the button — one error in Safari on Mac, and another erro in IE on PC. My ISP hasn’t been able to help. I wonder if your fix will work for me, too. Just which files/folders did you need to set to 644 permissions?

    Sorry if this isn’t the way to do this, I’m brand new to the WP support site and don’t really know how this works — am posting a new question on this thread, hope that’s okay.

    When I click on the Get Keyword Suggestiosn From Yahoo button, an error message appears right below the message:

    “Request-URI Too Large

    The requested URL’s length exceeds the capacity limit for this server.
    request failed: URI too long

    Apache/1.3.37 Server at Port 80″

    I have been in close contact with the support staff for my hosting service, and they cannot repeat the problem. Any ideas? I’d really love to get the suggestions working.

    I just installed WordPress, with version 1.8 of this plugin. I just got it to run, took a couple of minutes, but the file it downloaded to my computer is only 4KB. I then logged in via FTP to check the folder it mentioned, and the folder is listed as 4KB, with the only thing inside being an index.php file that is 0KB. What’s going on?

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