Set the size to Large using this tag in your Contact Form 7 form:
[captchac your-captcha size:l]
In Really Simple CAPTCHA change the char_length to 8 in really-simple-captcha.php:
/* Length of a word in an image */
$this->char_length = 8;
There seems to be a bug in the img_size parameter in really-simple-captcha.php.
The Width settings is ignored so I hard-coded the setting.
if ( $im = imagecreatetruecolor( $this->img_size[0], $this->img_size[1] ) ) {
if ( $im = imagecreatetruecolor( 184, 28 ) ) {
The Width of the CAPTCHA image is also hard-coded in Contact Form 7.
So you must also edit the file: modules\captcha.php
case 'l':
$op['img_size'] = array( 84, 28 );
$op['img_size'] = array( 184, 28 );