Wouldnt you know it… I have tried everything here. Tim, Victoria, PoultryFarm, etc… and still no dice! I am at my wits end. I have one nagging suspition that it has to do with the mod_rewrite issue with apache2. I guess what it comes down to is that I am not exactly sure how to be sure that this is installed and running on my Apache2 server. Can someone explain in more detail??
I have tried the directives in the apache2.conf
I have copied the rewrite.load from mods_available to mods_enabled
I have played with the .htaccess every which way
My setup: Apache2, PHP5, MySQL 4.1
Funny thing is, I am developing my site on my laptop and I have already contracted hosting on GoDaddy to upload it there when I finish the major mods to the theme etc… and after going at this for 2 days to get pretty permalinks to work, I just read a another post here explaining why this wont work on GoDaddy because they dont allow the mod_rewrite to work on there servers. But I feel I have come this far, I must resolve this anyway!!!