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  • Thread Starter MTWOFFICE


    Ho can we get in contact Chrystl? Could you provide me with an email, whats app id or fb id so I can send you some more detailed info?
    And of course, it will be not for free ?? Paypal is waiting for you ??

    Thread Starter MTWOFFICE


    Nope, this helped not a lot – same as before. But i think I have an idea, I just recognised the webmaster which was in charge of this project before, has installed:

    and it looks like there is a conflict now within the backend which also shows up in the frontend

    Thread Starter MTWOFFICE


        [0] => Array
                [term_id] => 29
                [name] => English
                [slug] => en
                [term_group] => 0
                [term_taxonomy_id] => 29
                [taxonomy] => language
                [description] => a:2:{s:6:"locale";s:5:"en_US";s:3:"rtl";i:0;}
                [parent] => 0
                [count] => 26
                [tl_term_id] =>
                [tl_term_taxonomy_id] =>
                [tl_count] =>
                [locale] =>
                [is_rtl] =>
                [flag_url] =>
                [flag] =>
                [home_url] =>
                [search_url] =>
                [host] =>
                [mo_id] =>
        [1] => Array
                [term_id] => 148
                [name] => Deutsch
                [slug] => de
                [term_group] => 5
                [term_taxonomy_id] => 148
                [taxonomy] => language
                [description] => de_DE
                [parent] => 0
                [count] => 45
                [tl_term_id] => 149
                [tl_term_taxonomy_id] => 149
                [tl_count] => 25
                [locale] => de_DE
                [is_rtl] => 0
                [flag_url] =>
                [flag] => <img src="" title="Deutsch" alt="Deutsch" />
                [home_url] =>
                [search_url] =>
                [host] =>
                [mo_id] => 10043
        [2] => Array
                [term_id] => 44
                [name] => Fran?ais
                [slug] => fr
                [term_group] => 10
                [term_taxonomy_id] => 44
                [taxonomy] => language
                [description] => fr_FR
                [parent] => 0
                [count] => 23
                [tl_term_id] => 45
                [tl_term_taxonomy_id] => 45
                [tl_count] => 1
                [locale] => fr_FR
                [is_rtl] => 0
                [flag_url] =>
                [flag] => <img src="" title="Fran?ais" alt="Fran?ais" />
                [home_url] =>
                [search_url] =>
                [host] =>
                [mo_id] => 9763
        [3] => Array
                [term_id] => 48
                [name] => Espa?ol
                [slug] => es
                [term_group] => 15
                [term_taxonomy_id] => 48
                [taxonomy] => language
                [description] => es_ES
                [parent] => 0
                [count] => 15
                [tl_term_id] => 49
                [tl_term_taxonomy_id] => 49
                [tl_count] => 1
                [locale] => es_ES
                [is_rtl] => 0
                [flag_url] =>
                [flag] => <img src="" title="Espa?ol" alt="Espa?ol" />
                [home_url] =>
                [search_url] =>
                [host] =>
                [mo_id] => 9764
    Thread Starter MTWOFFICE


    Languages are
    Main Language: en_US
    Other: de,es,fr

    en_UK was a try so we can get rid of the Site ??

    P.S. Site is back online

    Thread Starter MTWOFFICE


    Sorry, was away for some days.
    I have checked it and it looks fine, see attachements

    Terms Tax

    Today I have add a new category within the posts for German language, than I tried to enter an english translation for it, without any success, But I am able to set up the french and spanish translation for it.

    Thread Starter MTWOFFICE


    Maybe early morning (it’s a productive site)
    But, I miss the US (UK) flag also within the backend. Therefor the template could not be the reason

    Thread Starter MTWOFFICE


    Chrystl, I can edit it, but the changes are getting not saved. After update the language file is empty again

    Thread Starter MTWOFFICE


    I just activated the polylang widget at the bottom of the page – there you also can see that some flags are missing:

    Thread Starter MTWOFFICE


    Sorry? Sure I am using them – at least the spanish and french flags are generated by the system and the us should also, but this disappears as I said (so I put them there manually).
    Here you will find a link to a screen shot, which shows that the engl. language does not appear right within the config panel as the language code is missing (even when I enter it, it will not be saved). And this happens right after the update to the latest version:

    Thread Starter MTWOFFICE


    I have added the us flag manually at the moment, as this site sells and is productive ??

    Thread Starter MTWOFFICE


    Just recognized, the same happen with the uk flag – so it looks like it’s a problem with the english language

    Not working also with multi site installations – got a blank screen on all sites after activation

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