Forum Replies Created
I’ve tried to install the hook on my test site, I downloaded the zip, uploaded it to my BuddyPress (corporate by WPMUDEV) theme folder, added the ‘include_once( get_stylesheet_directory() . ‘/mycred-wp-pro-quiz-hook.php’ );’ to the functions.php file… then I get a white screen.
How do I enable WP_DEBUG mode?
Yup, version 6. Not sure how to ‘enable WP_DEBUG’
How do I get access to the BETA forum? (I’ll check which version I’m using now)
Gabriel you are AMAZING mate!
Right, I’ve just tried the shortcode as a custom text widget and n a page and neither are showing up. I do have a piece of code in the site somewhere to allow me to use shortcodes in the Custom Text/HTML widget, would that be causing the problem? (sorry about the delayed response, just got in from work)
Once I’m done configuring the mycred beta plugin on my test site and it all seems to be working,could I just copy the folder (following the installation instructions) from my test site and upload/replace the deactivated mycred plugin folder on my main site with it keeping the same settings? Would that work?
Multiple deductions now working, seems to all be working now.
Just the transfer widget issue now
It’s only registering 1 vote per link, not points per vote (so 3 votes down on 3 different links got me -10 points, when it should have been -10 for each vote, so -30 in total)
Registered a deduction for a vote down
There was also a massive delay between voting on the link and receiving the points for my link being voted
Fixed the %creds% issue and the widget update fixed the duplicate name in leaderboard issue, but transfer and voting issue still remains
I’ve only got one of the votes to register a points award on the history pager in the profile. I’ve also updated the widgets and the form to transfer points has vanished within the widget, even though an empty box still shows up
Just had a notification to say my link was voted up! ??
I awarded 5 points for a vote up and -10 for a vote down, no error messages when voting on a link
Awesome, I’ll give it a go now!
So as long as the referral system is on, no other members can join through the register page?… Is that right or no?
(you really are a true professional btw Gabriel, I really admire your work!)
One other thing, with the new referral add-on is there a way to add a box on the register page where members have to input a code/key sent by the ‘affiliate’ to be able to register? (I’m currently using a plugin called Secure Invites to secure my register page from unwanted members, I have a closed community).