Forum Replies Created
Hello @baldgoat
I sincerely apologize that I haven’t been able to reply to your request sooner.
Thanks for your feedback. We will definitely work on this how we can provide this kind of solution.
Hi @wilbertdevries,
Thank you for creating a ticket!
Yesterday, We have fixed this issue and release version 1.3.1
So Kindly Please download the latest plugin version and test this issue. It is working fine. Kindly please review the short video
Please let us know if you have anything more to share!
Have a nice day!
Best Regards,Hi @wilbertdevries,
Recently, We have resolved your issue and We have released plugin version 1.3.0. Kindly please download the latest plugin version and check your issue. If you need any help. Please let us know.
Hi @wilbertdevries,
Greetings from Multidots..!
That is so great to hear. We are really working hard for the Multicollab plugin. So Customers can not face any issues on their website and thank you so much for taking the time to provide your feedback.
Yes, You are right. We have also faced such an issue in version 1.2.0. So we have fixed this issue (If we try to copy and paste text in the editor, the text is pasted twice) and very soon we will release version 1.3.0. So you may not face such an issue in an upcoming version. We are planning to release version 1.3.0 next week.
Please let us know if you face any issues.
Hi @anomisme,
Greetings from Multidots..!
That is so great to hear. We are really working hard for the?Multicollab plugin. So Customers can not face?any issues on their?website. And thank you so much for taking the time to provide your feedback.
We have tested our plugin it is working fine with WordPress version 5.3.6 to 5.6.2. We tested your issue like not mention another member and Don’t copy-paste inside the editor.
But we have not found any issue on our side. kindly please check this short video.
The mentioned issues might be occurring other plugin conflicts. Kindly please share more details. We are happy to help you here.?
Thank you,
- This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by MULTIDOTS Inc.
Hi @itsjustanotherwordpressuser,
That is so great to hear. thank you so much for taking the time to provide your feedback. Plugin working fine on your website.
Positive reviews from awesome customers like you help others to feel confident about choosing Multicollab Plugin too. Could you take 60 seconds to go to submit a review and share your happy experiences?
We will be forever grateful. Thank you in advance for helping us out!
Thanks & Regards,
- This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by MULTIDOTS Inc.
Hi @brdgamz
Thank you for your kind words about the plugin and revise the review and rating.
We are so glad you are like the Multicollab plugin and start taking advantage of it. I hope the plugin will improve your work efficiency in the editor collaboration.
Currently, We are working on the improved activity center. So Editor and Author will easily check each page activity. I hope you like it.
Hi @brdgamz
Thank you for creating a ticket!
Yes, We are working hard to improve the editorial workflow process in WordPress with the help of Multicollab Plugin.
The mentioned issues might be occurring in the previous version. We have updated the plugin Version 1.2.0, can you please download/upgrade to the latest version and let us know if you still face these issues?
Note: The plugin saves comments only if the page is saved/updated.
- This reply was modified 4 years ago by MULTIDOTS Inc.
Hi @itsjustanotherwordpressuser
Thank you for reaching out to us.
The issue mentioned here, we are not been able to regenerate it in our current plugin version and WordPress Version 5.6.
I request?you. Kindly, Please share your website access By submitting this form. So Our technical team will troubleshoot this issue on your website and fix this issue. We are happy to help you.
Thanks & Regards,
Hi @jarldev,
Thank you for creating a ticket!
A plugin is fully compatible with default WordPress user roles.
We have not tested our plugin with a custom user role. The current plugin version is not supported the custom user role. Currently, we do not have any method to add extra custom roles into our plugin.
In the upcoming new version1.1.0 ?of our plugin, we are not using this cf_add_unfiltered_html_capability_to_users function anymore and in version 1.1.0 ?we are allowing only WordPress default user roles. Still, we are not having any method to support custom roles. Maybe in the next versions, we can think about that.
If you still have any questions. Please let me know.
Hello @itsjustanotherwordpressuser,
Thank you for reaching out.!
We reviewed the attached plugin issue video. But we are trying to regenerate the plugin issue with the latest WordPress version 5.6 and plugin version 1.0.4 with the German Language. But we have not faced such an issue as showing in your video.?
If possible, Can please share more details (or steps, Which WP versions you are using) about this issue and we are happy to fix this issue.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by MULTIDOTS Inc.
Hi @noumaan,
Thank you for reaching out again.!
The mentioned issues might be occurring in the previous version. We have updated the plugin, can you please download/upgrade the latest version and let us know if you still face these issues?
Hi @bichloc,
Thank you for reaching out.!
Are you saving the page after adding comments? The plugin saves comments only if the page is saved/updated.
Regarding the “flickering” issue, we have already fixed it and released the latest version 1.0.4. Please download it and let us know if you face any other issues.
Thanks again!
Hi @itsjustanotherwordpressuser,
Thank you for reaching out.!
Can you please share more details on exactly where you are facing the issue?
You can also try our Demo in order to understand how the plugin works.
Hi @noumaan,
Thank you for reaching out.!
We have already fixed this issue and uploaded the latest version 1.0.4 of the plugin. Can you please update/download the latest plugin and check if the issue is resolved?
- This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by MULTIDOTS Inc.