Forum Replies Created
I’ve figured it out by myself.
Simple copy the edit.php to the extensions/newsletter/emails folder.
Then in this file you can alter the initialisation of the tinyMCE-Editor as you wish.e.g.
tinyMCE.init({ height: 700, mode: "specific_textareas", editor_selector: "visual", theme: "advanced", entity_encoding: "raw", plugins: "table,fullscreen,legacyoutput", theme_advanced_disable: "styleselect", theme_advanced_buttons1_add: "forecolor,,backcolor,blockquote,code,fontsizeselect,fontselect", theme_advanced_buttons3_add: "tablecontrols,fullscreen", relative_urls: false, theme_advanced_statusbar_location: "bottom", remove_script_host: false, theme_advanced_resizing: true, theme_advanced_toolbar_location: "top", document_base_url: "<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/", content_css: ["<?php echo plugins_url('newsletter') ?>/emails/editor.css", "<?php echo home_url('/') . '?na=emails-css&id=' . $email_id . '&' . time(); ?>"], theme_advanced_background_colors: "ffff00", theme_advanced_text_colors :"990000,1C5288" });
Then this file will be loaded instead of the original one.
But keep in my to compare the versions after each update, so updates made by the plugin author will be in your customisation as well.Hi ranafaisal,
Have you set up a cron job pointing to your-domain/your-path/wp-cron.php?
This should ran every 5 Min. There is a good tutorial at here.If this doesn’t help you could try this:
Goto to your phpMyadmin and on the database which is used by wordpress. You can get these informations in the wp_config.php. Then go to wp_options and search for option_name LIKE ‘newsletter_diagnostic%’. Delete these 3 items. Then call the wp-cron.php via your browser. The items should be recreated.Background: Every time the cronjob runs the option ‘newsletter_diagnostic_cron_data’ is updated. If the mean time between the call are > 400 this message is shown.
@see plugin.php@381.Hope this helps you.
You’re right.
I’ve forgot to mentioned it.
For me I have add this functionality to my existing plugin.Hi @natewr,
thanks a lot for the useful information.
The implementation should no longer be a problem.Tomorrow it is my last working day for 2016, so the implementation will be made after January, 9th 2017.
If there will be problems within the implementation, I will inform you asap.
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!
Hi @natewr,
thanks a lot for the useful information.
The output is displayed row for row as it is returning from the rtbQuery result set?Hi @natewr,
glad to hear that.
I have also some other customization wishes from our client on my agenda.
But these are planned for 2017 so this improvement is not on the top of my agenda, too.Another wish from our client is to make the booking table view in the backend more clearer.
They want to group it by day, but I have no plan how to archieve it without altering the whole output.
I believe it is unpossible. Furthermore the filtering by name has to be grouped by name also.I figure it out by myself.
I add an action to to the “rtb_validate_booking_submission”-action-hook.
On this hook I check if the request is coming from the admin site and if so I’m searching for the field party. If I found it, I will unset it, because the validation error occurs as result of an wanted overbooking and therefore it isn’t an error which should prevent the booking from being saved.
That the code I used to archieve it in my plugin:
add_action( ‘rtb_validate_booking_submission’, ‘mjm_validate_admin_fields’, 100);
function mjm_validate_admin_fields($booking){
// Only validate in the admin
if ( !$_POST[‘action’] || $_POST[‘action’] !== ‘admin_booking_request’ ) {
if(is_array($booking->validation_errors) && count($booking->validation_errors) > 0){
for($i=0; $i < count($booking>validation_errors); $i++){
if($booking->validation_errors[$i][‘field’] == ‘party’){
}The optional parameter $priority is set to 100, so other functions will be called first.
Feel free to use it on your own without any guarantee.
Kind regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Additional HeadersHi dschiapa,
is the issue still present?
If so it would be helpful if you could post the error message.We use this feature on some sites and for us it is working.
Have you the latest version?
Kind regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Content Scheduler] not working / not maintainedThat’s strange.
We are using this plugin, too and for us it is working.
I have only found one issue and fix it as mentioned in this thread: you create a cronjob which runs the wp-cron.php?
If not this could be the reason the plugin doesn’t work.Also a good advice
For Perfomance-Reasons you should turn of the cron-check at page-load.
How to do this is described here: I could help
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Content Scheduler] Not saving dateHi chavo,
please look at my answer on this question.
Maybe it solve your problem, tooAs I can see from the code, the Date your mentioned is the default date and this is filled in if the parsing of the datetime provided fails.
Which format/value do your use?
Could you please provide an example value?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Content Scheduler] date picker box wrongly displays UTCHave had the same issue.
There is a logical bug in the DateUtilities.php which is stored in the include subfolder.
You have to change
public static function getReadableDateFromTimestamp( $unixTimestamp ) { // get datetime object from unix timestamp try { $datetime = new DateTime( "@$unixTimestamp", new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } // set the timezone to the site timezone $datetime->setTimezone( new DateTimeZone( DateUtilities::wp_get_timezone_string() ) ); date_default_timezone_set(DateUtilities::wp_get_timezone_string()); // return the unix timestamp adjusted to reflect the site's timezone // return $timestamp + $datetime->getOffset(); $localTimestamp = $unixTimestamp + $datetime->getOffset(); $blog_date_format = get_option( 'date_format' ); $blog_time_format = get_option( 'time_format' ); $dateString = date_i18n( $blog_date_format, $localTimestamp ); $timeString = date( $blog_time_format, $localTimestamp ); // put together and return return $dateString . " " . $timeString; }
public static function getReadableDateFromTimestamp( $unixTimestamp ) { $blog_date_format = get_option( 'date_format' ); $blog_time_format = get_option( 'time_format' ); $dateString = date_i18n( $blog_date_format, $unixTimestamp ); $timeString = date( $blog_time_format, $unixTimestamp ); // put together and return return $dateString . " " . $timeString; }
If you use date or date_i18n the timestamp has to be UTC.
But in the original code the local timestamp was used and therefore the offset is been added twice because of the function thinks the second param is in UTC.
Note: date_i18n is a wordpress builtin function whether date is a builtin php function.I hope I could help you and for the plugin author apply my fix asap.
Hi NateWr,
I’ve solved it by making a plugin, which checks if your plugin is installed and active.
Now I’ve been able to set the filter so the script are not loaded.You’re right that could be an alternative approach.
But I think a plugin is a better approach because it is working regardless which theme is used.
Actually I am working on the Javascripts so that every works.Have a nice day.
Hi NateWr,
thanks for the fast reply.
I couldnt figure out how to setup a filter so the frontend assets are not loaded.
I’ve tried it using the function.php of my theme but I debugged that the construct was called before the filter was registered and therefore the filter had no effect.
Maybe there is a misunderstanding.
Your offer a addon like the custom fields.
So I have think if I could provide it like this.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Modify Attachments Meta] Feature ideaYour welcome.
That was the point I’ve posted this.
As I know from my work you cannot think about all features that would come in handy at creation of software. So the point is to develop the software so that new features could be integrate easily. There are lots of approaches to archieve this goal like MVC, Design Patterns …Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Additional Headers not workingI have just figured out by myself.
I had set the email adress field as text field.
It has to be email instead and everthing works as expected.