Forum Replies Created

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  • Thread Starter musiccontentcreator


    I understand. Had i known I would not have publicly published my debug log. I don’t understand what’s written in it, but if my security keys are in there, that’s not something that should be public.

    in general I don’t know if harmful or sensitive information is in this debug log.

    so if it is possible that only my debug log can be deleted from my previous comment. The rest can stay of course.

    Thread Starter musiccontentcreator


    I also needed to add the webhook in the test section. I did not know this. Everything works now!
    I cannot seem to delet my log. Can you delet this entire thread?
    I also left a review because this plugin is great!

    Thread Starter musiccontentcreator


    I just activated debug mode and made a purchase. here is the log:

    [October 1, 2024 8:47 am] – SUCCESS :Post Data
    [October 1, 2024 8:47 am] – SUCCESS :
    [_wpnonce] => 561622ce73
    [_wp_http_referer] => /schedule-a-session/
    [client_reference_id] => wpsc-session
    [item_name] => Four Online Music Sessions
    [item_price] => 130.00
    [item_currency] => USD
    [success_url] =>
    [cancel_url] =>
    [wp_stripe_checkout_session] => 1
    [ct_bot_detector_event_token] => ced58424c2fe59f788f1c887fcca6703e2ec682a152381d60fddca73bcf1d669
    [apbct_visible_fields] => eyIwIjp7InZpc2libGVfZmllbGRzIjoiIiwidmlzaWJsZV9maWVsZHNfY291bnQiOjAsImludmlzaWJsZV9maWVsZHMiOiJfd3Bub25jZSBfd3BfaHR0cF9yZWZlcmVyIGNsaWVudF9yZWZlcmVuY2VfaWQgaXRlbV9uYW1lIGl0ZW1fcHJpY2UgaXRlbV9jdXJyZW5jeSBzdWNjZXNzX3VybCBjYW5jZWxfdXJsIHdwX3N0cmlwZV9jaGVja291dF9zZXNzaW9uIGN0X2JvdF9kZXRlY3Rvcl9ldmVudF90b2tlbiBjdF9ub19jb29raWVfaGlkZGVuX2ZpZWxkIiwiaW52aXNpYmxlX2ZpZWxkc19jb3VudCI6MTF9fQ==
    [ct_no_cookie_hidden_field] => _ct_no_cookie_data_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
    [October 1, 2024 8:47 am] – SUCCESS :Creating a session
    [October 1, 2024 8:47 am] – SUCCESS :checkout/sessions request:
    [October 1, 2024 8:47 am] – SUCCESS :
    [line_items] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [price_data] => Array
    [currency] => usd
    [product_data] => Array
    [name] => Four Online Music Sessions

                            [unit_amount] => 13000
                    [quantity] => 1
    [mode] => payment
    [success_url] =>{CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}
    [cancel_url] =>
    [client_reference_id] => wpsc-session

    [October 1, 2024 8:47 am] – SUCCESS :Parsed response:
    [October 1, 2024 8:47 am] – SUCCESS :
    stdClass Object
    [id] => cs_test_a1YMhsQjKdfFwtd6cHqKNCCvMnlY1fnOCNb7Cuo95y4eawQojC66Orlw30
    [object] => checkout.session
    [after_expiration] =>
    [allow_promotion_codes] =>
    [amount_subtotal] => 13000
    [amount_total] => 13000
    [automatic_tax] => stdClass Object
    [enabled] =>
    [liability] =>
    [status] =>

    [billing_address_collection] => 
    [cancel_url] =>
    [client_reference_id] => wpsc-session
    [client_secret] => 
    [consent] => 
    [consent_collection] => 
    [created] => 1727772441
    [currency] => usd
    [currency_conversion] => 
    [custom_fields] => Array
    [custom_text] => stdClass Object
            [after_submit] => 
            [shipping_address] => 
            [submit] => 
            [terms_of_service_acceptance] => 
    [customer] => 
    [customer_creation] => always
    [customer_details] => 
    [customer_email] => 
    [expires_at] => 1727858841
    [invoice] => 
    [invoice_creation] => stdClass Object
            [enabled] => 
            [invoice_data] => stdClass Object
                    [account_tax_ids] => 
                    [custom_fields] => 
                    [description] => 
                    [footer] => 
                    [issuer] => 
                    [metadata] => stdClass Object
                    [rendering_options] => 
    [livemode] => 
    [locale] => 
    [metadata] => stdClass Object
    [mode] => payment
    [payment_intent] => pi_3Q51jpHshEwxzK1y0PKAmgjt
    [payment_link] => 
    [payment_method_collection] => always
    [payment_method_configuration_details] => stdClass Object
            [id] => pmc_1MRzVCHshEwxzK1ynNOJBCyW
            [parent] => 
    [payment_method_options] => stdClass Object
            [card] => stdClass Object
                    [request_three_d_secure] => automatic
    [payment_method_types] => Array
            [0] => card
    [payment_status] => unpaid
    [phone_number_collection] => stdClass Object
            [enabled] => 
    [recovered_from] => 
    [saved_payment_method_options] => stdClass Object
            [allow_redisplay_filters] => Array
                    [0] => always
            [payment_method_remove] => 
            [payment_method_save] => 
    [setup_intent] => 
    [shipping] => 
    [shipping_address_collection] => 
    [shipping_options] => Array
    [shipping_rate] => 
    [status] => open
    [submit_type] => 
    [subscription] => 
    [success_url] =>{CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}
    [total_details] => stdClass Object
            [amount_discount] => 0
            [amount_shipping] => 0
            [amount_tax] => 0
    [ui_mode] => hosted
    [url] =>


    Thread Starter musiccontentcreator



    This is the response that I got from support from the LScache plugin:

    I just looked into it again , as well as the source code of stripe plugin , in particular , the part about its hcpatcha

    unfortunately , the way they use transient seems to be incompatible with our object cache implementation

    or our object cache implementation is not compatible with their way of using transient.

    they use get/set_transient directly , to utilize the object cahce , I think they may need to use wp_cache_set/get() function to integrate with object cache properly , otherwise if object cache caches some transient , the cache doesn’t know when/how it needs to be updated to new content, and the root cause of this error, as you can see on my screenshot of source code , is due to transient data mismatch or invalid.

    Here is a link to the screenshot they sent me:

    Thread Starter musiccontentcreator


    The hcapcha shows and is interactive. But once you complete it and fill in all the other fields and submit it gives a failed error. When litespeed is turned of it does not return this error.
    All pages have already been excluded from the cach, yet still i receive this error.

    You can create a test order with this card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242

    06/26 CVC: 123
    Name and email address can be random

    Thread Starter musiccontentcreator


    I followed all documentation and I know that there is a conflict between litespeedcache and stripe payments. When I turn the Litespeedcache plugin off all payments go through ok. Then there are no hcaptcha or page load signature failures.

    But I cannot seem to find what within the litespeedcache plugin is causing this conflict. Because I excluded all pages related to product and check out pages from caching and optimization. But still I am getting theise failures/errors.

    Thread Starter musiccontentcreator


    Thanks for your quick response. I created a private ticket.

    Thread Starter musiccontentcreator


    It worked like a charm. Thank you for the help!

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