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  • Thread Starter musicmschell


    @omarfpg SOLVED! I reached out to WP Engine and shared that link with them. You were correct, the IDs on order_items table was out of sync. I worked with my host who was able to help me resolve the issue. Note, they were hesitant to do this type of database work but agreed to attempt it since it was a staging site. Thankfully, this resolved my problem.

    Thank you to everyone for their assistance. This was a tricky one!

    Thread Starter musicmschell


    @serafinnyc Yes, I know for sure that this website was a multi-site at one point then transitioned back. I’m not a database guy so I really do not know how to clean something like this up but I will investigate as I think it’s probably a reason the site has been moving slowly.

    @omarfpg Thank you for this! I will investigate with my host to see if the order_IDs are messed up. This is a staging site which was migrated from production using WP Engine’s tools and the migration may have caused the ID’s to get out of sync.

    Thread Starter musicmschell


    This error does not occur on every order and will occur even without a coupon. It doesn’t matter what product is in the cart from what I can tell and there isn’t a correlation between what is in the cart versus what gets added after the fact. Here is a link to my status report.

    I really appreciate your help looking into this! It certainly is a weird one!

    Thread Starter musicmschell


    I updated the database, waited about 15 mintues, then cleared the cache in WP Engine. I waited another 10-15 and put another order through in an incognito window. Unfortunately, the error still occurred.

    Thread Starter musicmschell


    None! I switched to a new Storefront install for testing purposes so I can confirm there is no custom code.

    Thread Starter musicmschell


    Thanks for taking a look! Yes, that is exactly the issue I’m experiencing too. I can confirm that I don’t have a gift app or any other plugin running that would do this. In fact, just WooCommerce and the WooCommerce updater plugin are the only two plugins active.

    Sorry, I figured this out by following Xnau’s recommendation for moving records to a new domain using phpmyadmin. I previously exported all records to a CSV and imported using the plugin. While all the records were transferred properly, not all of them were not displaying on the frontend. After looking at the database, I could see not all the records were in the Participants Database table. I followed his tutorial on and everything is working properly. Thank you again Xnau for a great plugin and support. A link to his tutorial is below for those in need.

    Unfortunately, I am running into the same issue. We recently changed domains and I exported all records from the old domain and imported them in the new one. The total record count matched and I then exported all records from the new domain to cross-check against the old export CSV. Everything matched so tested a few records and everything was working properly. I initiated the redirect and not even 24 hours later I am notified of missing records. I look on the backend and was able to find the missing records but not able to view them on the frontend. Per the above thread, I checked my export CSV and sure enough, the “Delete” field was blank. I isolated those records, added the same text that was in the rest of the non-deleted records (Which happened to be “delete record from database?”). I uploaded just the records with the delete field filled in but those records are still not showing up. I cleared my cache and made sure that page wasn’t caching. Any other ideas?

    Me either. I haven’t been able to figure out a solution except to break apart variations into single products. Those seem to work for me. That is my fix until we get this figured out.

    Thread Starter musicmschell


    Hi Jackie! Thank you so much for the response. I had a feeling I had to use PHPMyadmin but was a little uncomfortable with using it. Luckily my best friend is a professional database specialist and helped me out last night. He loaded the latest backup I had that included all our users then found the specific users information using PHPMyadmin and exporting those tables. He then reverted WordPress back to another back up a few week prior that was working properly. After that he added the missing users using PHPMyadmin. So far it’s worked well but I will continue debugging until all our issues are sorted out. Thank you again for the advice and quick response. He thinks the issue was that I reverted WordPress back to one date and restored the database to another date. He thinks it might have some version differences or something like that. Either way both of you have a been a huge help. Have a great day!

    Thread Starter musicmschell


    I apologize. I pulled up your site on my phone and that works but I can’t seem to access it from my desktop. Regardless I will look through your article and post again if I have any issues. Thank you very much!

    Thread Starter musicmschell


    Thank you for the follow up. I tried to read that article but it looks like your site is down. Any other advice?

    Thread Starter musicmschell


    I stumbled upon another user that posted the php from their custom template. The code is as follows:

     * template for participants list shortcode output
     * this is the default template which formats the list of records as a table
     * using shortcut functions to display the componenets
     * If you need more control over the display, look at the detailed template
     * (pdb-list-detailed.php) for an example of how this can be done
     * Please note that if you have more than one list on a page, searching, sorting
     * and pagination will not work correctly.
    <div class="wrap <?php echo $this->wrap_class ?>">
    <a name="<?php echo $this->list_anchor ?>" id="<?php echo $this->list_anchor ?>"></a>
       * the search/sort form is only presented when enabled in the shortcode.
      /* LIST DISPLAY */
       * NOTE: the container for the list itself (excluding search and pagination
       * controls) must have a class of "list-container" for AJAX search/sort to
       * function
      <table class="wp-list-table widefat fixed pages list-container" cellspacing="0" >
        // print the count if enabled in the shortcode
    		$this->print_list_count($wrap_tag = false);
        <?php if ( $record_count > 0 ) : // print only if there are records to show ?>
              <?php /*
               * this function prints headers for all the fields
               * replacement codes:
               * %2$s is the form element type identifier
               * %1$s is the title of the field
              $this->print_header_row( '<th class="%2$s" scope="col">%1$s</th>' );
    <?php while ( $this->have_records() ) : $this->the_record(); // each record is one row ?>
        <?php $record = new PDb_Template($this); ?>
        <?php while( $this->have_fields() ) : $this->the_field(); // each field is one cell ?>
          <td class="<?php echo $this->field->name ?>-field">
             * put the edit link URL into the link property of the field
            if ($this->field->name == 'edit_link') {
              $this->field->link = $record->get_edit_link();
      <?php endwhile; // each field ?>
    <?php endwhile; // each record ?>
        <?php else : // if there are no records ?>
              <td><?php if ($this->is_search_result === true)  echo Participants_Db::$plugin_options['no_records_message'] ?></td>
        <?php endif; // $record_count > 0 ?>
       * this shortcut function presents a pagination control with default layout

    Thank you again for a awesome plugin!!! Aloha my friend.

    Thread Starter musicmschell


    Yes. The plugins I would like to use are activated but still do not work. I’ve uninstalled them and reinstalled them without any luck. I’ve deactivated all plugins and turned them back on one by one without any luck. I’ve even turn all plugins off with just this single plugin activated and it still doesn’t work. That is why I thought this might be a theme issue but I still wasn’t having luck when I would change the theme to twenty twelve. I’ve also reinstalled WordPress just to make sure the core files weren’t corrupt. Any other advice? Thank you!!!

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