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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Regenerate Thumbnails] Compatible with WordPress v. 4.0 ?I upgraded to Dinah and tried to regenerate all my thumbnails from 192 to 235 pixels to match the size used by Pinterest. But I see only 192 pixel thumbnails for the old posts. I manually created a new thumbnail and a new post which is 235 pixels square.
I also modified functions.php to make 235×235 the default size but how to I force the old featured images to be bigger?
Apparently this is in the FAQ…
/* Reduces the title font size and displays more than two title lines */
.yarpp-thumbnail {height: 200px !important;}
.yarpp-thumbnail-title {font-size:0.8em !important; max-height: 4em !important}/* Centers the thumbnail section */
.yarpp-related-widget {text-align:center !important;}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [jQuery Pin It Button for Images] Google AnalyticsI’ll have to experiment. I got Google Analytics to track just about everything else. The way I did it was to put the even on a div around the pin it button…
I’ve discovered that if I don’t send stats back, I get no invisible pixels. This is good, I want to send stats, but I don’t want them in my RSS feed, if you had that option I’d use it.
I can’t send just stats for my blog apparently.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] What's with the tracking pixel?Overall I’m happy with the updates you’ve made to the plugin. I think putting a class on the actual default image and not the span is the way to go. I was able to use some other features of the jQuery Pinterest Plugin to make the thumbnails not have a pint it button and I removed the border from your invisible pixel…
Looks like I have even more incentive to retroactively add featured images to the hundreds of posts I published before that feature was added to my blog. Now only if my feature-images / thumbnails would show up in my RSS feed I could move on to solving bigger problems in my life.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] What's with the tracking pixel?Also why didn’t you put this class “yarpp-thumbnail-default” on the image instead of on a span around the image? Now I can’t make it unpinnable…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Add thumbnail to RSS feedI have been trying to get this to work for several days. I have got feature images ie thumbnails working on my posts, but they do not appear in my RSS feed. I’ve tried various plugins, I’ve upgraded to the latest version of WordPress.
I followed these instructions, no love.
I have also discovered my RSS 2.0 feed doesn’t validate, I’ve also used SimplePie to determine that it can find an enclosure, but that enclosure doesn’t have a thumbnail. I’m going to try upgrading SimplePie as I’m not sure why this is happening, but for me the code above doesn’t seem to be sufficient to get thumbnails in my RSS feeds. I made sure the last 20 posts have thumbnails, uploaded into WordPress.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Last.Fm Records] Upgrade PluginI too upgraded the plugin. I wanted thumbnails in my RSS feeds and I can’t seem to get that to work despite trying plugins and tutorials so I upgraded from WordPress 3.4.1 to 3.6.
Then after that seemed fine I upgraded plugins one by one. JetPack seems to have gotten too big for its britches. I upgraded this plugin from 1.7 to 1.7.1 and now it seems to be a ordered list of images, instead of the nicely styled gallery I had before. I tried changing the settings. But it always has a number before the album cover images where it did not prior to the upgrade.
I took a screen shot of how it looks now.
It doesn’t even seem to be showing the right albums. I can roll back to 1.7 and get it back looking the way I’d had it for years…
DAMN restarting my computer seems to have cured whatever problem I was having. My computer has been flaky but I have no idea why it was choosing that Randy Newman song/album…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [jQuery Pin It Button for Images] Hover effect for Pin It buttonI tried, but apparently I didn’t put any text in this box when I marked it resolved.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Difficulties with featured images (thumbnails)I think the rel=”bookmark” thing is some sort of cut n’ paste error. Here is the line from single.php
<h2><a>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
As for whether single.php is called to display single posts, what else would be? I can put some sort of HTML comment in.
Perversely adding an HTML comment to prove single.php is being run, seems to have made the damn featured image disappear from the single post. Low it is still there when index.php is run. I did not add thumbnails to archive.php, that is slightly different than either other code. I’m going to add yet another featured image to a recent post to see if this problem miraculously went away while I watched a Korean gangster movie.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [jQuery Pin It Button for Images] Hover effect for Pin It buttonDone and thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [jQuery Pin It Button for Images] Hover effect for Pin It buttonThanks for the fix, I actually put it in my blog’s style sheet not my site wide stylesheet, but it seems to be an improvement, though I’m not sure everything is perfect.
Yoast doesn’t control Google Analytics, if you want to see the data collected by the custom variables you need to create a custom report or a custom dashboard at the least.
I made a custom report that display all the custom variables on a domain/profile, just so I can see what someone is doing with their custom variables. Here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pinterest Pin It Button For Images] Pin it button not alligned correctly…I’ve been underwhelmed by this plugin. I did this previously to static HTML using jQuery and it almost always got the button in the corner desired. This system of the width of the content column, my content column has no fixed width.
I guess I’ll have to edit some CSS, when I did this last time I found IE 8 had trouble with left but could handle right…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Digg Digg] Facebook button not workingI don’t think it is that simple @statosl I’ve looked at the code and it is a change Facebook made to their OpenGraph API requirements. I think the Buffer boys need to upgrade the plugin or someone else does. I posted my fix above which is based on other people’s fixes. It is documented on various blogs, even mine:
This problem affected more than the Digg Digg plugin, I had to fix other PHP based Facebook sharing code with this exact issue.