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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2.1 – Restrict # of links shown in each category?You provided the same answer in two threads. I’m not sure that will work for me, nor replace the functionality I used to have. Maybe I am wrong.
Here is the other thread: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Where are random and limited links in 2.1?No, I don’t think that will work. Previously I had three categories: Blogroll, Forgotten Gems, Links
Blogroll was links to blogs funny enough
Links was links to other stuff
Forgotten Gems were links to old posts that I personally thought were some of my best. I had WordPress display 5 random ones in this category.I had WordPress display all my blogroll and other links all the time. I try to be selective in what I link to. (Sometimes :-P)
I never tried your change but I read your link, it seems to display all links neigh categories.
All bookmarks included, regardless of Category ID, Category Name, or Category ID
Sorts the list by nameI scorlled way down, if I set the limit does that limit all the categories or just the one I want? Furthermore does it randomly choose 5 like I used to do, or just display the first five every time? It appears looking at the PHP that if I passed in 5 I would end up with 5 in each category. Previously I only limited/randomized the one category. That is why I created it.
I like the old functionality better, and I like the old simple call in my template better than having to pass in paramaters to try and fake the old functionality. Not everyone is comfortable editing PHP or maintaining there own template. This functionality was easy to add through the old menu system.
Thanks for trying though…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Where are random and limited links in 2.1?No, I don’t think that will work. Previously I had three categories: Blogroll, Forgotten Gems, Links
Blogroll was links to blogs funny enough
Links was links to other stuff
Forgotten Gems were links to old posts that I personally thought were some of my best. I had WordPress display 5 random ones in this category.I had WordPress display all my blogroll and other links all the time. I try to be selective in what I link to. (Sometimes :-P)
I never tried your change but I read your link, it seems to display all links neigh categories.
All bookmarks included, regardless of Category ID, Category Name, or Category ID
Sorts the list by nameI scorlled way down, if I set the limit does that limit all the categories or just the one I want? Furthermore does it randomly choose 5 like I used to do, or just display the first five every time? It appears looking at the PHP that if I passed in 5 I would end up with 5 in each category. Previously I only limited/randomized the one category. That is why I created it.
I like the old functionality better, and I like the old simple call in my template better than having to pass in paramaters to try and fake the old functionality. Not everyone is comfortable editing PHP or maintaining there own template. This functionality was easy to add through the old menu system.
Thanks for trying though…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Dashboard – Incoming Links ProblemI noticed this, but chalked it up to Technorati. I link to previous posts I’ve written frequently and I do so by having two windows open to WordPress Admin and searching for the previous post, then cutting and pasting the URL into the other browser window where I’m writing a new post.
I never knew a better way when I started out using WordPress to link to previous posts, so I didn’t use relative links. I did use relative links for all my images, then WordPress added some new system of uploading images. I do it my own way using FTP still.
I think this is a Technorati thing, only some of my links to myself show up. Only some trackback to myself. One other anoyance is which links WordPress chooses to trackback. I know you can try and force it by putting the URL in the box below, but sometimes I forget and I don’t really care for my own site. However sometime at a later date I’ll edit a post and then it tracksback for more links so the timestamp is all screwed up.
Oh well, with the exception of a few plugins WordPress seems to work well enough for me. I’ve even been tasked with setting it up for others.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Where are random and limited links in 2.1?This seems to bother more than one person. I didn’t notice it at first, because my sidebar though long, is still shorter than my most recent 8 posts. I tend to ramble.
However I don’t like sidebars that are exsessively long with so many links that they are all devalued. Besides my navigation and a few fun things I want the links in my sidebar to matter. I used to use categories and display random to highlight certain things, now I’ll have to stop doing that or wait for this feature to reappear.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2.1 – Restrict # of links shown in each category?I too was using this option, prior to upgrading to WordPress 2.1 yesterday. I was disappointed to discover today that option is gone.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Bring Back Link Categories PageI installed WordPress 2.1 yesterday before the Superbowl. It went OK though I wonder if I got everything working… I also upgraded to Mint 2.0 tried to get “Bird Feeder” to work but spent most of my time dicking with the Gravatars, Gravatars2, Favatars, Comvatars plugins. I also got rid of the OpenID plugin which never seemed to quite work. I finally noticed that my links in my sidebar aint how they used to be and when I investigated I couldn’t find the option I wanted.
Previously I had three categories. I still do. But for one category I showed a random subset of the links in that category. Now it shows all of them, all the time. How do I get back the functionality I used to have, I think it was on the page that is missing.
In addition, some of the posts above are formatted really odly, they appear broken outside the natural border, at least in Opera on Mac OS X.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress not working!Not that I have any explination, but the frontpage of my blog doesn’t work in the latest build of Opera. I can acces the admin fine and through the admin individual postings. Everything displays and renders fine except the front page which claims database connectivity problems.
The database and my wp-config file seem to be fine and this problem does not occur in Firefox or Safari.
What a waste of time. Sometimes it doesn’t pay to use the latest and greatest version of software, but the oddest thing is it was working and suddenly stopped. I didn’t change a thing on my end or or on the server…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress not working!Well it still doesn’t work in Opera, though it used to. I’m running one of their weekly builds
Version 9.10
Build 3570
Mac OS X 10.4.8I’ve never seen this, everything including my website seems to be working except the front page of my blog in Opera. It is fine in Safari and Firefox.
Weird. I think I’ll try a different build of Opera.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress not working!Retarded, I was able to using Firefox first view a specific post from the manage screen then load but in Opera, no love. I’m going to restart Opera and try Safari I guess. It makes no sense it was working, in Opera, seconds ago.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress not working!My site did suddenly stop working. I was in the middle of adding a post. I got the same error message when I try to access but I most definitely did not change my wp-config file suddenly.
I can access the wp-admin. I can access my static web content ie, I can access the database and download a backup through my control panel, I can run sql select statements in phpadmin on tables in my database. I’ve double checked my wp-config file and my username, database name and password. I even changed the password to be what it says in the wp-config file and reuploaded it.
No love.
This happened suddenly today, I did not make a single configuration change, theme change, or plugin change recently. I filed a support ticked with my host, but since everything is working except the public side of my blog…
I’m running 2.0.5 according to my Dashboard and I may be able to post or edit posts or change options, so I really don’t understand why my site isn’t viewable all of a sudden.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: CSS book for Mac OS X?CSS on a Mac shouldn’t be any different than on a PC. Now how it looks in a browser…
Eric Meyer is the number one CSS guy, Google him and I recommend his book Eric Meyer on CSS but it is perhaps a bit advanced to start with. There are a lot of online tutorials.
strong is an HTML tag it replaced b some versions ago…
For Mac text editors I recommend BBEdit if you want free the folks at BareBones give you TextWrangler.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Mac OS X, PHP5, WordPress 2.0.3Needless to say, I tried 2.0.4 and I get the exact same error:
Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL which is required for WordPress.
Anyone get this to work?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL …I am getting this error message on OS X 10.4.7 trying to install WordPress 2.0.3. I’ve got the default version of Apache 1.3.33 but with PHP 5.1.4 and MySQL 4.1.20.
I started up another thread as this is so Windows specific and I have an odd combination of versions.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Mac OS X, PHP5, WordPress 2.0.3I had come across that thread in my searching. I even tried their solutions (again this morning) but that isn’t my problem. I’m using PHP 5 and phpinfo() says my socket is /tmp/mysql.sock I even put it in my php.ini inside my php folder.
I’m not using the version of PHP that came with the OS. I have more recent versions of everything involved. Even the error message they got differed from mine.
This thread: to be similar but is Solaris mainly. I’ll look at it some more today I guess. Thanks for trying.