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  • what about this

    <!--:en--><td> <a title="Bibles" href="">Bibles</a></td><!--:-->
    <!--:es--><td> <a title="Bibles" href="">Biblias</a></td><!--:-->

    Perhaps this helps

    <?php if(qtrans_getLanguage() == “en”) : ?>
    <h3>First Column</h3>
    <h3>Second Column</h3>
    <h3>Third Column</h3>
    <?php endif ?>

    <?php if(qtrans_getLanguage() == “in”) : ?>
    <!– First Column –>
    <h3>Kolom Pertama</h3>
    <!– Second Column –>
    <h3>Kolom Kedua</h3>
    <!– Third Column –>
    <h3>Kolom Ketiga</h3>
    <?php endif ?>

    If you happened to find logo and home link problem, go to this for further tutorial using qTranslate.

    It is easy, I am just making French and English Website at using qTranslate plugin too.

    Go to Settings > Languange and select Edit at France section.
    Choose fr.png for france
    name languange code: fr
    Name: Fran?ais
    Locale: fr_FR
    Leave date format and time format empty, I found them buggy when I post something.
    dont forget to add “Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en %LANG:, : et %.” in the Not Available Message.

    and Save Changes.

    Go to Appearance > Widgets.
    Drop qTranslate Languange Chooser to sidebar at right. Select the dropdown arrow and select Text and Image.

    Thats all

    if you happened found error at logo or home links button, just go to

    for further tutorial.

    I am using the qTranslate plugin and I modify it myself like this

    First, try to add this code

    add_filter(‘home_url’, ‘qtrans_convertURL’);

    in the qtranslate_hooks.php at add_filter area.

    Don’t forget to always adding this code whenever you update the plugin, because the update will replace the old file.

    OR mywordpress/themes/template/function.php or framework.php

    and set your logo link like this
    Second option if above doesn’t work.

    Copy the home WordPress file and make it a new template as frontpage.

    Open the home.php in dreamweaver, save as another file and don’t forget to add this code to make it as a new template for frontpage.

    Add this code before <?php get_header(); ?>

    * Frontpage Template
    Template Name: Frontpage Page

    Just leave the rest code as it is and upload this file in your WordPress directory.

    Create a new page, name it home, select Frontpage template in the Page Attributes.
    Go to Settings > Reading > and select home as your frontpage.
    Now you have a translated front page.
    – See more at:

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