Hey guys,
I figured out what was causing the issue for me. I have the Cherry framework with a child theme on top. Both of them use a header.php file.
Here’s the steps I took to fix the issue:
1) I deleted the line from my theme’s header.php file. Note that I did not use the Fix It link and I’m not sure if that will work in this scenario.
2) I deleted the line from the parent theme’s header.php file (it was in both places).
3) Hit “Save Setting” on the Yoast settings dashboard. Problem solved.
Looks like maybe the “Fix It” link doesn’t edit parent theme header.php files, but it still recognizes when the line exists.
Props to Yoast for at least getting that message to appear based on a check for it. I can’t imagine how many people might give up if they weren’t given some sort of error.
I hope this helps!