Forum Replies Created
I have sent you an email with access to test site. Could you check your email and let me know if you receive it or not?
When you have time, could you look into it and let me know if you find any solutions.
Any update on this? If you are unable to reproduce the error, let me know and I can quickly setup a wordpress installation and provide you with a link and access info.
It’s so weird that it works fine with http but the moment I switch to https the redirect stops working.
I have sent you an email with attached screen shot.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP e-Commerce Style Email] Insert user IDAwesome, it works. Just in case if someone is looking for an answer, here is the code.
<html><body> <?php $sub1 = " - Order # "; $sub2 = ECSE_purchase::$purchase_id; $sub3 = " - Acc # "; $sub4 = ECSE_purchase::get_the_purchase_prop('user_ID'); $user = get_user_by( 'id', $sub4 ); $sub5 = $user->user_login; $sub6 = $sub1 . $sub2. $sub3. $sub5; ?> <h2><?php echo ecse_get_email_subject(); echo $sub6?></h2> <?php // echo ecse_get_email_content(); ?> Please click <a href="<?php echo admin_url( 'index.php?page=wpsc-purchase-logs&c=item_details&id=' .ECSE_purchase::$purchase_id ); ?>">here</a> to view the purchase details or follow the link below.<br /> <?php echo admin_url( 'index.php?page=wpsc-purchase-logs&c=item_details&id=' .ECSE_purchase::$purchase_id ); ?> </body></html>
I know you can make it shorter in couple lines, but this way its less confusing to read and understand for the php beginners.