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  • Thread Starter mzimmers


    OK…thanks, Brandon. It did make me wonder whether the theme I chose was something of a “hack”…since I’m struggling so much to understand all of this stuff, I figured I should at least be studying a “proper” model, but I guess I’m OK with this.

    I’ll mark this resolved…thanks again.

    Thread Starter mzimmers


    After a little more looking, I found a 1.2em instruction for the division that the menu is in. I didn’t see this the first time because the WD tool doesn’t display that em instruction when I click on one of the menu items; it only displays it when I click on space that highlights the entire division.

    I’m not sure how to interpret this; is this possibly a bug in the WD tool, or is the call to wp_list_pages() somehow “hiding” the code from the tool?

    Thread Starter mzimmers


    OK…let’s make this question a bit more WordPress-oriented: is it possible that this issue is being caused by some behind-the-scenes markup in the WP database? Using the web developer tool in Firefox, I can find no text-size formatting for either the menu bar or the sidebar.

    Thread Starter mzimmers


    Oops…I forgot to mark this resolved. Thanks…

    Thread Starter mzimmers


    Hmm…OK, thanks, Moshu…I’m still not convinced it really needs to be that way, but I’ll assume the powers-that-be had their reasons for making it like that. I’ll mark this resolved.

    Thread Starter mzimmers


    Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I’ll mark this topic resolved.

    Thread Starter mzimmers


    I just downloaded the Web Developer extension, and all I can say is, “oh wow.” That is truly amazing. Thanks so much for suggesting it. I’m still interested in your input on the above matters if you care to reply. Thanks again…

    Thread Starter mzimmers


    Aargh. OK…I guess that wasn’t quite as obscure as I thought.

    Thanks for taking the time to look at my code, Adam. Since you did, I’m curious as to your impression of this particular .css file. Is it conventional to spread stuff out like the author did?

    I’m still new to a bunch of this stuff…I’m reasonably conversant with basic HTML, but I’m new to PHP and CSS, as well as to WP. I’m still trying to get an overall development model straight in my head; hopefully, once I do this, I can answer some of my own questions.

    I’ll look into the Web Developer extension for Firefox, though I normally use Safari. While we’re on the subject of tools, may I ask what you use for editing a .css file? I’m using Dreamweaver “just because,” but I’d like to hear of better tools if they exist.

    This is great…I’m just about done fooling around with the top of my page…soon I can begin on the sidebar. And from there…it’s going to be mostly content!

    Thanks again…


    Thread Starter mzimmers


    Thanks, Adam. I did use a nice tutorial from this site:

    and it was very helpful in some areas. Where I get confused is when the CSS styles a particular kind of text in multiple places, as it did in my example above. (I edited out some stuff in the middle of that snippet for brevity.) The style sheet in my theme is 10 pages long, and it’s not always easy to find all the places where something affects my HTML. And, since it’s CSS, I can’t see its effect merely by looking at the HTML code.

    Right now, for example, I’m trying to find out why my title appears a couple of inches below the top of the page. I can see that it was done to make room for an image, but now that I’ve commented the image out, I’d have expected the title to go to the top, but it’s not. Finding the CSS code that is causing this behavior is less than obvious.

    The page in question, by the way, is:

    Any light you could shed on this would be most helpful. Thanks again.

    Thread Starter mzimmers


    Thanks, Moshu. So, if I’m interpreting this correctly, where to put a formatting specifier seems to be more of a function of the scope you wish that specifier to cover, rather than of coding convention. (In this particular instance, it took me awhile to find where the text size for h1 inside the header was being set.)

    Another example of my confusion on this is where my blog title is being forced down a couple of inches on the page. I can’t find anything in the inline html that looks like it does that; I’m wondering if it’s buried somewhere in my style sheet?

    Thread Starter mzimmers


    Thanks. I’d mark it resolved if I could.

    Thread Starter mzimmers


    Thanks, Moshu. So, do I understand this to mean that I should be adding some border information to the #navmenu li line above?

    By the way, I think I understand the #navmenu u line and the #navmenu li line, but what does the #navmenu ul li a line do?


    PS: I’m not ignoring your suggestion for googling; I’m just holding off until I get a few issues resolved with the scalar aspects of lists, then I’ll turn my attention to the nuances of a nested list.

    Thread Starter mzimmers


    I lifted this bit of code from the Creating Horizontal Menus codex:

    #navmenu ul {margin: 0; padding: 0;
    	list-style-type: none; list-style-image: none; }
    #navmenu li {display: inline; padding: 5px 20px 5px 20px}
    #navmenu a {text-decoration:none; color: blue; }

    1. is the “navmenu a” in fact referring to an anchor?
    2. Is there an option for putting a border around each list element? If so, where does it go?


    Thread Starter mzimmers


    Hi, Hafiz. Thanks for the good explanation; I understand it now.

    Thread Starter mzimmers


    Another question about colors: why is it that if I use DigitalColorMeter to determine what color something on my page is, and I code something else to match that color, it doesn’t come out the same? I double-checked my decimal to hex and it’s good. Is there some kind of opacity or something going on? I’m specifically referring to why my navigation items don’t match the “Hello World” background.

    The rollover isn’t working either, but I’ll play with that for a little more.


    Never mind…I triple-checked and my math was indeed off. Rollover wasn’t working because I’d dropped a “#”. Time for this newbie to quit fooling around and go to bed.

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