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  • Thread Starter mzweb



    Still having all problems mentioned, but I did find the web inspector and found an error message.

    Error message:
    <form class”wpcf7-form theme_1 errorMsgshow” novalidate=”novalidate” method=”post” action=”/apply/#wpcf7-f4464-p19-o1″>

    What does this mean? What do I do now?

    Not sure if helps, but this is some of the other coding:
    <div style=”display: none;”>
    <input name=”_wpcf7″ value=”4464″ type=”hidden”>
    <input name=”_wpcf7_version” value=”4.2.2″ type=”hidden”>
    <input name=”_wpcf7_locale” value=”en_US” type=”hidden”>
    <input name=”_wpcf7_unit_tag” value=”wpcf7-f4464-p19-o1″ type=”hidden”>
    <input name=”_wpnonce” value=”de1f9238ef” type=”hidden”>
    <p><span class=”wpcf7-form-control-wrap wpcf7-form-control-signature-wrap your-signature-field”><input name=”your-signature-field” value=”” class=”wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-signature wpcf7-validates-as-required required” aria-required=”true” aria-invalid=”false” id=”wpcf7_your-signature-field_input” type=”hidden”>
    <canvas id=”wpcf7_your-signature-field_signature” class=”your-signature-field” width=”500″ height=”100″></canvas><input id=”#wpcf7_your-signature-field_clear” value=”Clear” type=”button”></span><script type=”text/javascript”>document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, function(){var canvas_your_signature_field = document.querySelector(“#wpcf7_your-signature-field_signature”);var signaturePad_your_signature_field = new SignaturePad(canvas_your_signature_field);document.getElementById(“#wpcf7_your-signature-field_clear”).addEventListener(“click”, function(){signaturePad_your_signature_field.clear();input_your_signature_field.value = “”;});var input_your_signature_field = document.querySelector(“#wpcf7_your-signature-field_input”);var submit = document.querySelector(“input.wpcf7-submit”);submit.addEventListener(“click”, function(){if (!signaturePad_your_signature_field.isEmpty()){input_your_signature_field.value = signaturePad_your_signature_field.toDataURL();}else{input_your_signature_field.value = “”;}}, false)});</script></p>
    <p><input value=”Send” class=”wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-submit” type=”submit”><img style=”visibility: hidden;” class=”ajax-loader”></p>
    <div class=”wpcf7-response-output wpcf7-display-none”></div>

    Thread Starter mzweb



    Thanks for your reply. I’ve only ever used the latest release of both plugins. I just mentioned 2.3 because I know it was an issue that has taking place before.

    I’ve looked at the faq styles info for 2.4 and still no luck. I’ve scoured the internet and been trying to solve this one issue for 2 days now. I even looked into other jQuery signature files, but don’t where to add them in my host account.

    I have no visible JavaScript errors. Where do I find the console to check web inspector and where do I go to check server logs?

    Thanks for help. I really need it.

    Thread Starter mzweb


    Thanks for your reply. I’ve only ever used the latest release of both plugins. I just mentioned 2.3 because I know it was an issue that has taking place before.

    I’ve looked at the info for 2.4 and still no luck. I’ve scoured the I internet and been trying to solve this one issue for 2 days now.

    I have no visible JavaScript errors. Where do I find web inspector and server logs?

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