@jonayedhosen This issue occurs for me when using one of the core themes (i checked), and with all plugins other than WooCommerce turned off.
Bedrock (also called Roots) is a core variant of WordPress – essentially allowing for composer installations, not a theme – see here: https://roots.io/bedrock/
Additionally I’m also getting a conflict with Gravity forms, where the edit pages of the forms in Gravity forms don’t work if WooCommerce is enabled (I’ve raised an issue with Gravity forms on this count as well). It appears as though WooCommerce is interfering with enqueued files, though i have not debugged through the process to pinpoint the issue.
There is no issue with the gravity forms Edit page if WooCommerce is disabled, so the current workaround is to disable WooCommerce, make the form amends required, and re-enable it again. Its workable, but not ideal.
to the TL;DR here:
Bedrock is a boilerplate WordPress install, not a theme
Issue occurs with core theme & WooCommerce the only things enabled
Also have a conflict with Gravity forms