Forum Replies Created
Oh, I also tried it with an empty test wordpress blog that I have .. NO problems connecting to facebook using jetpack .. I wrote a test post and it appeared on my facebook page.
Thanks; same here .. deactivating and reactivating it worked.
What’s going on to cause this? I’d hate to have to do this every time something else updates on my WP installs.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: paginate_comments_links() broken on 4.1?I’ve given up on getting a fix for this and switched to using previous / next comment instead of having a list of pages using “paginate_comments_links”.
If this gets fixed please tell me and I’ll switch back to the better interface!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: paginate_comments_links() broken on 4.1?Here is an extract from comments.php in my theme (modified from inove; a theme I found several years ago)
if (get_option(‘page_comments’)) {
$comment_pages = paginate_comments_links(‘echo=0&total=5’);
if ($comment_pages) {
<div id=”commentnavi”>
<span class=”pages”><?php _e(‘Comment pages’, ‘inove’); ?></span>
<div id=”commentpager”>
<?php echo $comment_pages; ?>
<span id=”cp_post_id”><?php echo $post->ID; ?></span>
<div class=”fixed”></div>
?>Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: paginate_comments_links() broken on 4.1?This is happening with me as well.
I have 50 comments per page. I have three pages of comments. Users enter the page and see comments 101-149. They click “prev” to get to page 2 of comments, and all three items point to page 2 of comments, not to page 1, page 2, and page 3. next goes to page 2.
It can be seen here: HELP!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Slider not showingSo what was the fix?
Sure would be nice to find something similar.
Anyone have any suggestions on plugins that might be close?
How do I retreat to a previous version? It’s completely non-functioal on my website.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My website was hacked – wp-comments-post.phpIs there somewhere else that I should post this to get a faster reaction?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My website was hacked – wp-comments-post.phpThis item from my log appears suspicious — anyone figure out what it is? – – [17/Jun/2011:04:33:32 -0400] “GET /?p=1202+%5BPLM=0%5D+GET+https://steadfastlutherans.org/?p=1202+%5B0,56923,71199%5D+-%3E+%5BN%5D+POST+https://steadfastlutherans.org/wp-comments-post.php+%5BR=302%5D%5B0,0,764%5D+-%3E+%5BN%5D+GET+https://steadfastlutherans.org/?p=1202+%5B0,0,71945%5D+-%3E+%5BN%5D+GET+https://steadfastlutherans.org/?p=1202+%5B0,0,71925%5D HTTP/1.0” 200 94339 steadfastlutherans.org “https://steadfastlutherans.org/?p=1202+%5BPLM=0%5D+GET+https://steadfastlutherans.org/?p=1202+%5B0,56923,71199%5D+-%3E+%5BN%5D+POST+https://steadfastlutherans.org/wp-comments-post.php+%5BR=302%5D%5B0,0,764%5D+-%3E+%5BN%5D+GET+https://steadfastlutherans.org/?p=1202+%5B0,0,71945%5D+-%3E+%5BN%5D+GET+https://steadfastlutherans.org/?p=1202+%5B0,0,71925%5D” “Mozilla/4.76 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)” “-”
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Akismet Update caused huge database size growth?I’ve emptied the table several times since I initially reported it with no problems noticed. I normally empty it after clearing out spam comments.
My current meta table is at 23M; I just ran the line above:
DELETE FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE comment_id NOT IN (SELECT comment_id FROM wp_comments)
and it removed 2M from the table. I have NOT installed the change recommended. I have 2719 spam comments currently.
I REALLY would like to be able to set the “delete spam comments after 15 days” to 5 days. I am using 1and1 for hosting and they have a 100M limit on database size — 21M in spam filtering is just way too much space taken. They evidently have no way to raise the limit from 100M, with 10M in posts and 40M in comments it’s just getting too close to the limit for me.
I guess I’ll install the line, but it doesn’t appear to save enough space.
((later: Evidently the line has been added to normal updates, as I checked and the line is inserted in my admin.php file))
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Akismet Update caused huge database size growth?OK; I now have two weeks of data in my database.
The oldest spam comment is from 1/31
My commentmeta database is 37M and my comment database is 40M
I have 3118 comments in my spam folder.Comment: I’d like to be able to set the number of days that it removes spam automatically — obviously 2 weeks is too long for my website. I’d like to set it to 3 days .. if someone hasn’t contacted me in that time they can lose their comment.
I’m about to remove all spam comments.
My commentmeta table has now dropped to 18M and my comment table to 34M
I have 34K comments in my comment table.
Running this line:
Select * FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE comment_id NOT IN (SELECT comment_id FROM wp_comments)
produces 5.4K of the 8.3K entries in commentmeta have no comment associated with them. I have not deleted any spam comments, so your update is not the reason for these unknown comments.
Running this line:
DELETE FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE comment_id NOT IN (SELECT comment_id FROM wp_comments)
took my commentmeta table down to 2.8K entries and 5M tablesize.
The first three lines now deal with comment id 123867, which is a valid comment:
a:4:{s:4:”time”;s:15:”1295452823.0785″;s:7:”message”;s:28:”Akismet cleared this comment”;s:5:”event”;s:9:”check-ham”;s:4:”user”;s:0:””;}
There’s really no reason for this information to be in the commentmeta table is there? The akismet_as_submitted entry is huge.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Akismet Update caused huge database size growth?As far as I know no spam comments have been deleted as of yet; I haven’t looked at it (other than to just monitor the database and make sure it didn’t get too large).
I guess my previous comment:
“Surely I don’t get 3600 spam comments in two weeks! I guess I can look at it in two weeks and see how many spam comments I have.”
Isn’t accurate–with 1902 in 5 days it’s perfectly reasonable to have 3600 in 2 weeks .. if you take it straightline .. 1902/5*14 .. then I’d get 5325 comments in 14 days.
But .. 9.4/5*14 = 26M database size .. still waaaay too large, but nowhere near the 50M that I had originally.
Want me to delete all spam comments and see what happens, or let it ride for a bit and see what happens after a few more days?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Akismet Update caused huge database size growth?5 days later —
Commentmeta is 9.7M in size, with 1602 spam comments over the past 5 days.
Jartron: I would look through commentmeta and see what’s in there
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Akismet Update caused huge database size growth?Oh, I think you asked: 33,338 approved comments on 1,648 posts.
Appears to be 200 spam comments a day,
In December, 5,028 spam and 2,120 ham.