I found an old thread with some help… for anyone else here it is: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/remove-our-services-section?replies=23
this reply in that thread by “ErinJohnsonWriteNow” was extremely helpful
{{{” I finally figured out what to do! lol Under customizer, and under the blog, home, and portfolio page, I clicked “override default” and unclicked all the other options underneath that section (they say first column, second column, first top sidebar, and before footer sidebar).
Then, when I went to dashboard, and clicked appearances and
then widgets, and that’s when I was able to see the home, blog, and portfolio sidebars.
THEN, I was able to add Glass Images, etc. FINALLY! I don’t know why it was all there before, and then suddenly wasn’t. But, that’s how I got it to work. Hope it helps someone. I’m loving this theme! “}}}