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  • Hi there,

    I just log in to thank you for the solution. I work on four websites and when the map no longer display on all I was like “oh god, but why ?”, and I just checked the checkbox you just said and it works again, so thank you very much and have a nice day !



    Hey Marc2412, thank you for taking your time to help us.

    I tried WP EASY SMTP plugin this morning and it didn’t work. So I gave a try to this other plugin (which do the same thing I guess), and I have exactly the same error :

    SMTP Error: The following recipients failed: **** sorry, that domain isn’t allowed to be relayed thru this MTA, smtpauth: no [mail694] (#5.7.1)

    I tried different e-mail for the test email (like @hotmail, @gmail and one email account at my host) but I have the same error…

    Edit : Nevermind ! My bad, I forgot to give the authentication name and password, the test worked fine, I’ll try with the contact form and edit this message.

    Edit2 : God, it works fine now. Thank you so much Marc2412, your last solution is the good one, atleast for my case. Have a nice day !



    @jtwordpress : I use WordPress 4.4.2 and CF7 version 4.4 on the three websites. I’ll look after Marc2412’s solution today (atleast if I understand like he said) and we will see.



    Oh, I’ll give it a try tonight or tomorrow and we will see, thanks!



    I guess it’s not a problem from CF7 itself since it works fine for most of users, maybe a host configuration or I don’t know, it is just strange that for some website it’s “nope, i don’t like this website, nope”.



    Seems like I have the same problem as you here…

    I work on few websites and for two of them, everything works perfectly, and for the third, the contact form do not works…

    I mean, the three websites are similar, I build them the same way, but just one of them… for an obscur reason, the contact form do not want to sent anything. They all use the them host…

    I tried everything, I looked on internet… I don’t understand why just for one website it doesn’t work but for the others it works. On one website, I have exactly the same thing in “To” and “From”, and it works, and the other one, it doesn’t work. The website where it doesn’t work is the older one but everything is updated, it worked fine before, I don’t know since when it doesn’t work.

    I hope we will have an answer to help us.

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