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  • Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Header woes

    Normally, themes will use templates that create a header div and a headerimage div (usually located in header.php). The header image is a background image in the headerimage div, and this is set in your stylesheet (normally style.css) like so:

    #headerimage {
            background: #ffffff url(img/header.jpg) no-repeat left top;

    There will probably be other declarations in there such as margin and padding, as well as perhaps width and height, although the latter two often are left out if the image file’s dimensions are the same as those of the headerimage div.

    In my code above, the #ffffff refers to a background colour that is described by the hexadecimal number ffffff (which is white), and this means that if the header image i choose does not fill the headerimage div, then the empty parts of the div will be filled with white. You can change this hexadecimal code to signify other colours, or use recognised keywords such as red, black, gray, white, etc.

    The url part of the code points to the image file’s location. In my example, I’ve used a ‘relative’ url, which means that the image will be ‘looked for’ in the folder ‘img’ which is a child of my website’s url. i.e. it will look in

    no-repeat means that the image file will not be repeated horizontally nor vertically. This can be swapped for repeat-x or repeat-y or `repeat’ for both x and y.

    Left top indicated the position of the header image in the div headerimage. You may wish to use center top, to center it horizontally.

    To alter the image’s size, you can add this declaration to the css:

    #headerimage img {
    width: desiredwidthinpixelspx;
    height: desiredheightinpixelspx;

    Where either of desiredwidthinpixelspx, or desiredheightinpixelspx, can be replaced with auto, in which case the image would just retain it’s original dimensional proportions, and scale according to the width/height that you have set in pixels.

    The fact that you get no blue bar at the top could possibly mean that your header or headerimage div is not closed properly, but could also mean that there is just no style applied to those elements.

    If you could link your blog I could tell better.

    Hope this helps,

    – John

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Line break issues

    I tested pasting the 5 paragraphs of text from the ‘homesick’ post at using the visual editor, and even though the blogger code used <br><br> to simulate paragraph breaks, the resulting wp code showed perfect paragraphs surrounded by <p></p> tags.

    I also went back and edited this post using the vis editor, hitting enter in the middle of an existing para to start a new paragraph, and this also worked fine.

    I’m running WP 2.1.2 though… maybe you could try upgrading?

    haha, ok. But it’s probably a good idea to edit your markup so that it validates as well ??

    No, when I save it, I get a file called another_wordpress_meta_plugin.phps, which, as instructed, must be renamed to *.php and then uploaded.

    But, I tried this in ie7 and in opera9, and when using these browsers I get the same problem that you are experiencing.

    Works fine through firefox. Download it here:

    Or else, link me your blog and I’ll post the content of the .phps file as a comment, which you can then copy and paste into a new php document and name accordingly.

    Haha! That is freaky!

    That’s a weird problem…

    That paragraph posts fine for me. There must be something more sinister afoot.

    So, other page posts work fine?

    And the page works if that paragraph is omitted, but not if it’s included?

    go to the page linked in the post before this, and under ‘downloads’, it says .phps (Use Save As and rename to .php). Option-click on the .phps or hold the left mouse-button or whatever it is that you do with a mac :), and click “save link as…”.

    Does that work? If not I could email it to you.

    I believe this thread has already been resolved elsewhere:

    Second google result for wordpress You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down


    Have you tried validating?

    I’m not really sure what it should look like, so it’s hard for me to be of any help.

    Thread Starter nakedape


    Thanks, that’s the info I was after… brilliant!

    Root raises a valid point. You could check whether his point, or more importantly your site, is valid at


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: comments page

    well, man, you need to be more specific with your cries for help.

    “can you help me editing this?”

    Excuse me for thinking that this was asking for help with editing. Now magically you know how to edit?

    You will find the markup in whichever php file is being used as a template. I can’t tell you what file is being used, you should know. If all else fails, open each of your php files and search for “This entry was posted on”.

    – John

    Well I get no overlap, but I’m running ie7 and I guess you’re running ie6? It’s a matter of adjusting the width of l_sidebar, r_sidebar, content and container. Probably best to stick to widening container for now… you could also reduce the padding-left (or the value at d in padding: a b c d) of r_sidebar and then reducing that elements width by the same amount.

    That is, in ie7 it looks like you could reduce the left padding a bit…

    A really good trick is to add a border to the divs that you are fiddling with, like this border: 1px solid red; (but use different colours so u can differentiate), such that you can see the horizontal space that they take up. Best add borders to all four of those divs that I mentioned above, and then remove them again once resolved. Site looks a bit silly in the meantime, but hey, overflow is pretty ugly anyways ??

    Keep increasing/decreasing div width until the borders are flush, to the point where if you add an extra pixel to the width, you get overflow or broken flow.

    These borders take up a pixel of your width per side, so once you remove the borders, you can then increase each div‘s width by 2px.

    omg I am tired, I gotta go bed.

    Good luck,

    – John

    Thread Starter nakedape


    Dr. Mike? Anyone…?

    Is it just that the more tag is not designed to work in that sort of context?? I’m still stumped.




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