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… and now, without any changes, it’s working. I wonder what happened?
<img src="" data-spai="1" alt="" class="wp-image-1376" sizes="(max-width: 1868px) 100vw, 1868px" data-spai-upd="702">
Thanks, @mamba4ever for the directions to the previous versions (Y)
Ok, I somehow got it to work. Might be that there was some interference with W3 Total Cache.
With the previous version it seems I had the lazy loading feature enabled on W3 Total Cache. After the upgrade (and there was a W3 Total Cache upgrade as well), the pictures disappeared.
These are my steps:
– Disable shortpixel plugin (purge all caches) and verify that pictures show up.
– Disable W3 Total Cache lazy loading (purge all caches)
– Enable shortpixel (purge all caches)Now it seems to work and the img srcs point to as expected!
How do you do the downgrade? I’d like to do that as well, but don’t know how?
Me three.
Upgraded to 1.8.2, tried my best to purge each and every cache, tried with different browser. Just empty white where the pictures used to be.
Here’s what one image looks like now:
<img width="413" height="561" src="" data-src="" data-spai="1" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image lazy loaded" alt="Reef areas on Hanse 388 s/y Charlotte" data-sizes="(max-width: 1250px) 100vw, 1250px" data-spai-upd="413" sizes="(max-width: 1250px) 100vw, 1250px" data-was-processed="true">