Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Embed Chessboard] Error Message When Using PluginHi there –
Okay this is the response I got from Mojo-Themes Template Support and it works now – hurray!!!!!!! Check it out:
Thanks for the help as well pgn4web!Looking at the plugin author’s notes, their plugin conflicts with Mist’s ability to make videos responsive. If you disable that feature, your plugin should work (but your videos will no longer be responsive). To do so, you will need a little custom code.
? Go to Plugins / Add New, and in the Search Plugins box, type Functionality and click enter.
? Functionality should be the first plugin option that comes up. Click the Install button and on the next page, click the Activate link.
? Once installed, go to Plugins / Edit Functions.
? In the text editor, at the bottom, paste the code below
? Click Update File.
Once updated, if you go back to your homepage and refresh it, your plugin should be displayed as expected.And this is the code he supplied for me to add:
function dequeue_mist_scripts() { // Dequeue Scripts wp_dequeue_script( 'custom', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/jquery.custom.js' ); } add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'dequeue_mist_scripts', 100 );
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Embed Chessboard] Error Message When Using PluginWill do!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Embed Chessboard] Error Message When Using PluginWow – thank you so much for the great help!!! It is very much appreciated. We’ll contact the theme creators and see if they have any help for us!
Thank you so much Daniel – it seems to be working at the moment!
I really appreciate all your help!!!!!!!! I’ll let you know if I have more problems in the future!Thanks Daniel –
that is a good idea about excluding that file…
and about trying a tar archive format instead. I tried it with the S3 and it didn’t come up with any errors but I didn’t produce a backup.It just had a few of these warnings:
WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.Do you have any other tips?
Below is the log for the failed backup.
Thank you!
– Naphy******************************************************************
S3 Log:
[INFO] BackWPup version 3.1.2; A project of Inpsyde GmbH [INFO] WordPress version 3.8.1 [INFO] Blog url: [INFO] BackWPup job: Naphy Test; DBDUMP+FILE [INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured [INFO] BackWPup job started manually [INFO] PHP ver.: 5.3.24; cgi-fcgi; Linux [INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 30 seconds [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.0.96-log [INFO] curl ver.: 7.19.7; NSS/ [INFO] Temp folder is: /home/content/55/10206155/html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-7933ba-temp/ [INFO] Logfile is: /home/content/55/10206155/html/wp-content/backwpup-4315e-logs/backwpup_log_7933ba_2014-04-03_11-05-02.html [INFO] Backup type is: archive [INFO] Backup file is: /home/content/55/10206155/html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-7933ba-temp/backwpup_7933ba_2014-04-03_11-05-02.tar [03-Apr-2014 11:05:02] 1. Try to backup database … [03-Apr-2014 11:05:02] Connected to database fin1235411080997 on [03-Apr-2014 11:05:02] Backup database table “wp_commentmeta” with “740” records [03-Apr-2014 11:05:02] Backup database table “wp_comments” with “248” records [03-Apr-2014 11:05:02] Backup database table “wp_fav_icon_link” with “1” records [03-Apr-2014 11:05:02] Backup database table “wp_links” with “0” records [03-Apr-2014 11:05:02] Backup database table “wp_options” with “265” records [03-Apr-2014 11:05:02] Backup database table “wp_postmeta” with “537” records [03-Apr-2014 11:05:03] Backup database table “wp_posts” with “1198” records [03-Apr-2014 11:05:03] Backup database table “wp_statpress” with “97141” records [03-Apr-2014 11:05:13] Backup database table “wp_term_relationships” with “214” records [03-Apr-2014 11:05:13] Backup database table “wp_term_taxonomy” with “153” records [03-Apr-2014 11:05:13] Backup database table “wp_terms” with “153” records [03-Apr-2014 11:05:13] Backup database table “wp_usermeta” with “42” records [03-Apr-2014 11:05:13] Backup database table “wp_users” with “2” records [03-Apr-2014 11:05:14] Added database dump “fin1235411080997.sql” with 37.97 MB to backup file list [03-Apr-2014 11:05:14] Database backup done! [03-Apr-2014 11:05:14] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up … [03-Apr-2014 11:05:19] 302 folders to backup. [03-Apr-2014 11:05:19] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file … [03-Apr-2014 11:05:19] Added manifest.json file with 5.29 kB to backup file list. [03-Apr-2014 11:05:19] 1. Trying to create backup archive … [03-Apr-2014 11:05:19] Compressing files as Tar. Please be patient, this may take a moment. [03-Apr-2014 11:06:08] Backup archive created. [03-Apr-2014 11:06:08] Archive size is 931.97 MB. [03-Apr-2014 11:06:08] 3941 Files with 891.11 MB in Archive. [03-Apr-2014 11:06:08] 1. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service … [03-Apr-2014 11:06:09] Connected to S3 Bucket “findinggodsv” in [03-Apr-2014 11:06:09] Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads … [03-Apr-2014 11:06:10] Upload for Finding-God-in-Silicon-Valley/ aborted. [03-Apr-2014 11:06:10] Upload for Finding-God-in-Silicon-Valley/ aborted. [03-Apr-2014 11:06:10] Upload for Finding-God-in-Silicon-Valley/ aborted. [03-Apr-2014 11:06:10] Upload for Finding-God-in-Silicon-Valley/ aborted. [03-Apr-2014 11:06:10] Upload for Finding-God-in-Silicon-Valley/ aborted. [03-Apr-2014 11:06:10] Starting upload to S3 Service … [03-Apr-2014 11:13:04] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes. [03-Apr-2014 11:13:04] 2. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service … [03-Apr-2014 11:13:05] Connected to S3 Bucket “findinggodsv” in [03-Apr-2014 11:13:05] Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads … [03-Apr-2014 11:13:05] Starting upload to S3 Service … [03-Apr-2014 11:21:04] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes. [03-Apr-2014 11:21:04] 3. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service … [03-Apr-2014 11:21:05] Connected to S3 Bucket “findinggodsv” in [03-Apr-2014 11:21:05] Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads … [03-Apr-2014 11:21:06] Starting upload to S3 Service … [03-Apr-2014 11:29:05] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes. [03-Apr-2014 11:29:05] One old log deleted [03-Apr-2014 11:29:05] WARNING: Job finished with warnings in 1443 seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution.Hi Daniel –
I installed the plugin that you suggested in the article you directed me too and it doesn’t seem to have done anything. ( – I got the same warnings/errors:
S3 Warning:
WARNING: Link “/home/content/55/10206155/html/stats/logs” not following.
Dropbox Warning/Error:
WARNING: Link “/home/content/55/10206155/html/stats/logs” not following.
ERROR: ZipArchive returns status: (ER_DELETED) Entry has been deleted
******************************************************************Any tips on how to fix this?
Thank you!
– Naphy