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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Page Not Found Error 404Hello and thanks.
OK I will check the several causes you mentioned.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: More-tag not showing in Visual Editor [WP 3.6]OK folks. Just confirmed that Jetpack also causes the same problem. I installed Jetpack and activated ii, and when I tried to link to WordPress the page went to Server error.
I went back to the list of plugins and clicked “Deactivate” for jetpack and the page went to Server error.
Oh, why, why, why do I never learn my lesson with that sicko plugin Jetpack. Now I’ve got to go to my cpanel to delete the Jetpack folder.
OK, done. I trashed the Jetpack folder from my cpanel, went back to my admin dashboard and tested, things are working fine, no more Server error page.
Julian, please check whether you have Jetpack installed. If you are able to, try deactivating it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: More-tag not showing in Visual Editor [WP 3.6]I just checked one of my websites and found the same problem. From my dashboarad when I click on “All posts” I get a Server Error message. Also if I am logged in as admin and I try to edit any posts I get the same error as Julian described.
I suspected a conflict with one of the plugins. In fact I recall that several months ago I had the same problem, and by deactivating the plugins one by one I finally found that Jetpack was causing the problem. At that time I deleted Jetpack and installed Slim Jetpack, and everything was fine.
Just now on a hunch I deactivated Slim Jetpack, and walla problem solved.
Now I’m stuck with the dilemma of going back to Jetpack and see whether the edit posts feature still works. I’ll report back here on that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mingle Forum] Unable to postJohn, did you manage to resolve the problem? I’m suddenly having the same problem myself in the forum I created for our community website at :’m not able to create a new topic or reply to any posts. When I hit the “Submit” button I get sent to the Page Not Found error message.
Did you manage to find out which plugin has a conflict with Mingle Forum?
Hi Tobias.
OK I found the plugin which clashes with TablePress. It’s called “Sales Automation Engine (SAE” which I got from here :
Now this is a serious problem as for me that plugin is an essential part of my website focus. This is my website For now I have deactivated SAE.
I’m thinking perhaps I should go back to WP-Table Reloaded. Still thinking.
MokhseinDear Tobias.
I have not installed any user management plugins. I’ll try deactivating other plugins one by one to see whether there is any interference. I’ll be back to report my findings.
MokhseinForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Profile CCT] Why 2 images appear in the profile page ?OK, I’ve sorted out the problem. With not a single comment from the authors of the plugin, had to improvise using a hammer and chisel. It’s done.
Yes Jetpack has messed up my website. When I logged into my admin panel this morning I was informed that Jetpack needs an upgrade. As usual I went through the normal upgrade process, but then all I saw was a blank page with the message : Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.
Horrors!! The website could not be accessed at all. Finally I went into my webhosting cpanel and deleted the Jetpack folder. Went back and cleared the browsing history and refreshed the page a few times,and my website came up again.
I went back to my website admin panel and saw the message : “An automated WordPress update has failed to complete – please attempt the update again now.”
NO THANK YOU. Anyway I reinstalled Jetpack and activated it. But I find that it is still messing up some pages on my website. Note that Jetpack has had no conflicts with any other plugins on my website before this. The only change now is the Jetpack upgrade to version 2.0.
What I’m doing now is deactivating Jetpack and uninstalling it. I’d rather wait for the Automattic guys to be alerted about this and do something to resolve it,
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My Surau Website (Malaysia)Hahaha. Yes you got a point there. Got to make it 1px bigger. Thanks.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My Surau Website (Malaysia)Oh, OK, understood. The second sidebar from the right. Yes, I do intend to fill it up progressively with suitable material.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My Surau Website (Malaysia)Thanks for your comments. Agreed about the FB wall. Anyway being a community website the majority of them wanted it to be there.
Is there really an empty gap in the sidebar? I’m using Google Chrome and Rockmelt mostly and everything’s fine. I got to check browser compatibility. What browser are you using?
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Reviews welcome – picture, video and girls blog/siteErrrr…did you forget something, like the url maybe?
@alex, my regrets I sounded very frustrated at that time. My website at Surau As-Salam is the one that went haywire. The featured posts did not work anymore.
I suspect that there was some incompatibility with some other plugin. I did try to identify which other plugin was causing the errors but failed. Anyway I’ve decided that WP does not work for me, and I’m wary of trying again, as I do not want to be stuck wasting a lot of time trying to get to the bottom of it.
Yeah, Smush is about right, that’s what it did to my website after I activated it.
I’m on 3.2.1 using Wire News theme. For some strange reason it messed up my front page with the featured posts enabled. I deactivated and deleted the plugin, but it didn’t work. I reinstalled WordPress 3.2.1 and the Wire News theme and I still can’t get back to where I was before I installed this. Horror of horrors, now I’ve had to disable the featured posts feature and my website doesn’t look so good anymore.
I rue the day I came across this horrible plugin!!!!!