Forum Replies Created
Sajonara, could you tell me a version of the plugin for wordpress and version of the wp-united mod for phpbb?
Do you need wp-united mod for phpbb, right?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-United : phpBB WordPress Integration] Theme integration brokenWell, the issue is solved here:
Astro23, /wp-content/plugins/wp-united/
??Hello, I think posting a solution here is a good idea. So:
Relpace this line
file core-patcher.php
line 273
$cSet = str_replace('$wp->init()', 'function wpu_deferred_wp_load() { $GLOBALS[\'wp\']->init()', $cSet);
with this
$cSet = str_replace('$GLOBALS[\'wp\']->init()', 'function wpu_deferred_wp_load() { $GLOBALS[\'wp\']->init()', $cSet);
Don’t forget to empty all the files (other than .htaccess and cache_readme.txt) from the /wp-content/plugins/wp-united/cache folder – otherwise you’ll still get the white screen of death on your forum. (by ConfusedTA)Good luck!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Organiser] Permalinks questionThank you for an answer,
is exactly what I want, I prefer to replace all my pages by events.I tried to setup Event Organiser > Settings > Permalinks and deleted the first field events/event, but empty field can’t be saved.
Could I do something to workaround?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [External Links - nofollow, noopener & new window] exclusions for targetThank you for reply.
target=”_none” was a part of phpbb bbcode, I cut it off. But it didn’t help and I was upset until I changed wp-external-links to open external links in _none and then change it back to _blank. And I got it work. It was a kind of glitch, I think.Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Auto Upload Images] Auto Upload Images WP-United = conflictThank you very much! You’ve solved my problem!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] Easy FancyBox 1.5.2 not working under WordPress 3.6Well, I use WP 3.6 and Easy Fancybox 1.5.2 and it works perferct! But Easy Fancybox 1.5.3 and 1.5.4 causes disabled scrolling a website with a mousewheel.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] Stopped working scroll the page with your mouse!Thank you, but 1.5.4 doesn’t work. I still use 1.5.2. Please uncheck it is [resolved].
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] Stopped working scroll the page with your mouse!Well, as I can’t wait for a fix of 1.5.3, I got back to 1.5.2. It works fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] Stopped working scroll the page with your mouse!the problem arises when the option “Include the Mousewheel jQuery extension script to allow gallery browsing by mousewheel action.”
I have this option disabled, but scrolling doesn’t work for me anyway ?? I tried to enable and disable – doesn’t matter. And I can scroll gallery with mousewheel action anyway. I don’t know if it is a glitch or not.
Here is a gallery example: notice: Scrolling works until a page stops loading. During loading I can scroll any page of my website.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] Stopped working scroll the page with your mouse!I have this ussue, too:
Please, help to fix.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [External Links - nofollow, noopener & new window] Set up exclusion by code?Hello!
I tried to use the hook to exclude a class “not-external” and place this code into functions.phpfunction external_link_filter($created_link, $original_link, $label, $attrs = array()) { if (isset($attrs['class']) && strpos($attrs['class'], 'not-external') !== false) { return $original_link; } return $created_link; } add_filter('wpel_external_link', 'external_link_filter', 10, 4);
my link is a kind of
<a href="" class="not-external"> 12313213</a>
But is doesn’t seem to work. I don’t know what’s wrong. Please, any help
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Web Scraper] Admin page became blankI reinstalled the plugin
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-PostRatings] the option Logging Method 'logged by username' can't workI think this problem is solved here: