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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Buddypress Activity Anywhere] Doesn't work…Hi, is the plugin working for the current version of wordpress 3.8?
I have been trying to get it to work but I’m having no luck. Help please.Did you get the plugins registration to work with buddypress?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Frisco for BuddyPress]: Add the taglineWhere in header.php do I place this code to have blog tagline appear
<strong>right below</strong>
my Tile.<div class=”description”>
<?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?>
</div>Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Integrating Survey Results with User ProfilesIt’s a bit over my head. I don’t know where to being. If you would help me with it I would pay you. I do not have a lot of money. But I would like to get the functionality on my wordpress website. I would really appreciate your help. How much help can I get for hundred dollars?
You can email me at [email protected]
Thanks for the information you shared with me already.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Integrating Survey Results with User ProfilesAwesome! Thanks for letting me know.
One question I have about Limesurvey, do you know how it can be setup so survey respondents can see their individual results?I appreciate your help. I’m new to all of this.
Thanks agian
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Integrating Survey Results with User ProfilesPlease let me know
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Integrating Survey Results with User ProfilesDid you find an answer to your question? How did you resolve it.
Was limesurvey any help?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Contact Form 7: Custom redirect based off user dropdown selectionlibertywildlife is a Cool website. I have been trying to get my Contact form 7 to redirect to pages based on user selection, like you have on your site. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
This is my page;
When a user selects unique 1 or unique 2 and clicks send I would like them to be directed to different pages as is done by your websites drop down select field.1 question. I’m guessing “options” is the id you gave the drop down select field when you were creating it. Did you add “options” to the custom field of a page or pages you want to be shown when add to cart is click on your product page? if so, did you do it by simply typing in “option” as the name of the custom field or the value of the custom field on the page or pages?
Question 2. I’m guessing a code placed in your Additional Settings box is what links a selected option in the drop down field to a given page. I’m guessing the code you have displayed above
on_sent_ok: "alert("options"); var choice = 2; location = ''+choice;"
is the one which worked for your website. Looking at the code you put above I’m thinking the code for my website should have the Id I assigned the drop down select field. Should it also have the “var choice = 2; location =’” and a web address after it? if so, how should the web address I put there relate to the the pages I would like selected options to be directed to?Last question. Did you have to make changes to your contact-form-7/scripts.js file to get the redirecting working. if you did, can you share the changes you made.
I know these are a lot of questions. It’s because I don’t know much about coding, as you probably can tell.
Any help/ question you can answer would be greatly helpful.
P.S. it great what liberty wild life is doing for the animals.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] [Plugin: Contact Form 7] Conditional Redirect?Hey ckpicker and Takayuki Miyoshi the information you’ve shared is very helpful. Thanks.
I think I’m a step or two from successfully using the on_sent_ok action hook in my ‘additional settings’ to redirect a forms to a different page depending on which value is selected in a drop-down field.
I modified the scripts.js file replacing line 48;
if (1 == data.mailSent) { $(data.into).find('form').resetForm().clearForm(); ro.addClass('wpcf7-mail-sent-ok'); if (data.onSentOk) $.each(data.onSentOk, function(i, n) { eval(n) }); } else {
with the code Takayuki Miyoshi provided.
if (1 == data.mailSent) { jQuery(data.into).find('form').resetForm().clearForm(); wpcf7ResponseOutput.addClass('wpcf7-mail-sent-ok'); if (data.onSentOk) jQuery.each(data.onSentOk, function(i, n) { eval(n) }); } else {if (1 == data.mailSent) { if (data.onSentOk) jQuery.each(data.onSentOk, function(i, n) { eval(n) }); jQuery(data.into).find('form').resetForm().clearForm(); wpcf7ResponseOutput.addClass('wpcf7-mail-sent-ok'); } else {
The good news is I don’t receive the Null value any more when send is clicked.
The bad news is when send is click it does not redirecting to the page I want it to go to. It comes back to the form page.
I think the problem maybe something basic Maybe I’m not using custom fields correctly.
This is the site.
This is the code I put in my Contact form 7 additional settings box
on_sent_ok: "alert('Unique2 ' + jQuery('#Unique2').val());"
When unique2 is selected and send is click I would like it to redirect to another page.
I need a code doctor
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] [Plugin: Contact Form 7] Select field validationDid you figure it out? I need help with the same thing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Contact Forms] Custom Contact Forms brokenHey jakslev. It seems you have had some success with the Custom Contact Forms plugin. I want to create a checkbox list using the plugin? I’m having trouble figuring out how to create the list. This should be simple. Maybe you know now. Please help if you can.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Custom Contact Forms ] Help with checkbox listCommorato and mikedark did either of you manage to figure out how to create a checkbox list using Custom Contact Forms plugin?
If you did please let me know. Thanks