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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Opening Times Pro] problem shortcode??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Opening Times Pro] problem shortcodesorry I have found the problem the plugin uses the universal time utc but not time UTC+2 of my wordpress
L’heure universelle (UTC) est 2016-05-04 12:10:38 L’heure locale est 2016-05-04 14:10:38.
it use utc not local time with my parameter utc+2
any idea ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Opening Times Pro] problem shortcodeand this code for :
– add a clock before time
– translate day in french
– replace – by / in bold
– add letter spacing for daythis is the hack but it gives you an idea of what could be quite an improvement with the best code ( customise plugin in administration would be great ?? )
<!-- MODIF - Modification de la ligne pour faire prendre en compte les 2 array dans un foreach --> <?php foreach(array_combine($dows, $dows2) as $day => $day2): ?> <?php if( isset($wpotp_options[$day]) && !empty($wpotp_options[$day]) ): ?> <!-- MODIF - Modification de la ligne pour espacer les lettres et prendre la variable $day2 qui est en francais --> <dt style="letter-spacing: 3px;"><?php echo ucwords($day2); ?></dt> <?php foreach( $wpotp_options[$day] as $slot ): ?> <dd> <time itemprop="openingHours" datetime="<?php echo substr(ucwords($day), 0, 2); ?> <?php echo $slot['open']; ?>-<?php echo $slot['close']; ?>"> <?php $imghorloge = ''. get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/images/icon_clock.png'; if( $display == '24' ): // MODIF - Ajout ligne Print print '<img src="' . $imghorloge . '" alt="" style="margin-right:8px" />'; // MODIF - Remplace le tiret par une barre en gras echo $slot['open']." <b>/</b> ".$slot['close']; elseif( $display == '12' ): $this_open = strtotime($slot['open']); $this_close = strtotime($slot['close']); // MODIF- Ajout ligne Print print '<img src="' . $imghorloge . '" alt="" style="margin-right:8px" />'; // MODIF - Remplace le tiret par une barre en gras echo date('h:ia', $this_open)." <b>/</b> ".date('h:ia', $this_close); endif; ?> </time> </dd> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php elseif( $show_closed === true || $show_closed === 'true' ): ?> <dt><?php echo ucwords($day); ?></dt> <dd>Fermé</dd> <?php endif; ?> <?php endforeach; ?>
sorry for your eyes i’m not a developper ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Opening Times Pro] problem shortcodeI forgot the problem that I have this is without code changes
code to display a message if open or closed :
<?php // is_open() function if( WPOTP()->is_open() ): $imgopen = ''. get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/images/icon_open.png'; print '<img src="' . $imgopen . '" alt="" style="margin-bottom:0px" />'; echo "Magasins ouvert.<div style='font-size: 12px; important!'>Sauf cas exceptionnel</div><hr \>"; endif; // is_closed() function if( WPOTP()->is_closed() ): $imgclose = ''. get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/images/icon_close.png'; print '<img src="' . $imgclose . '" alt="" style="margin-bottom:0px" />'; echo "Magasins fermé.<div style='font-size: 12px; important!'>Sauf cas exceptionnel</div><hr \>"; endif; ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Opening Times Pro] problem shortcodeHello,
yes my config is good
UTC+2 for Paris
L’heure universelle (UTC) est 2016-05-04 11:46:28 L’heure locale est 2016-05-04 13:46:28. => on my computer : 13h46
you can see the plugin at the bottom of my website : this part of code :
<?php elseif( $show_closed === true || $show_closed === ‘true’ ): ?>
<dt><?php echo ucwords($day); ?></dt>
<?php endif; ?>doesnt work if i doesnt set a periode, closed is not displayed.
if you add a .po language file i can translate this plugin in french
thanks you
the screenshoot :
it’s the same problem than achmadbiz.
thanks you
sorry for my late answer
i have try chrome and adblock plus do you want a screen capture ?
when i disable adblock it works.
sorry for my bad english
+++ thks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SyntaxHighlighter Evolved] Responsiv design!hello
i have the same question !
my website :
you can find : ||^
code :
<img class=”recommendation-impression-image” alt=”” src=” TO MY WEBSITE” nopin=”nopin”>
can you change the code of your plugin for make a random link ??
any idea for get around ? my visitor with adblock doesnt see related post.
thanks you
i have the same problem my thumbnail is not generated when
my photo made 3968×2976 but when i use a software for resize at 1200x… it works !have you an idea ?
sorry for my bad english.
for information :
GD Support enabled
GD Version bundled (2.1.0 compatible)thanks you ++
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Helios Solutions Custom Admin Theme] Not workingHELLO
same problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Count Plus] problem count youtube and facebookhello
always 0 for facebook.
when i try with this code :
<?php $page_id = "199435563578600"; $xml = @simplexml_load_file("".$page_id."") or die ("a lot"); $fans = $xml->page->fan_count; echo $fans; ?>
it works
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Count Plus] problem count youtube and facebookI improved the French translation ??
How can I add on github?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Count Plus] problem count youtube and facebookhello
I tried with the Facebook page of a friend that does not work either
I have the same local website and 2 counters works perfectly.
how to check my server? can i send you “phpinfo link” ?