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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stripe Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon] Big logos for cardsI checked today and found it to be okay
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stripe Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon] API version 2017-08-15Hello,
It should work but i have not tested till now.
Hi Franck
If you use plugin on your site you need to get merchant account from and if you want to use merchant you need to ask then for their credit card processing plugin for woocommerce
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Authorize.Net Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon] success functionPlease check this
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Authorize.Net Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon] success CardThe response returned from is as follows
AuthorizeNetAIM_Response Object( [_response_array:AuthorizeNetAIM_Response:private] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 1 [2] => 1 [3] => This transaction has been approved. [4] => LBO9HU [5] => Y [6] => 40007687557 [7] => 4537 [8] => WordPress Demos Order #4537 [9] => 20.00 [10] => CC [11] => auth_capture [12] => 1 [13] => Allen [14] => Wang [15] => System8088 [16] => Chemsford Road [17] => Allen [18] => TX [19] => 75013 [20] => US [21] => 9852502084 [22] => [23] => [email protected] [24] => [25] => [26] => [27] => [28] => [29] => [30] => [31] => [32] => 0.00 [33] => [34] => 0.00 [35] => [36] => [37] => 5093EADE909D8188B78D7875D51D5BC3 [38] => P [39] => 2 [40] => [41] => [42] => [43] => [44] => [45] => [46] => [47] => [48] => [49] => [50] => XXXX1111 [51] => Visa [52] => [53] => [54] => [55] => [56] => [57] => [58] => [59] => [60] => [61] => [62] => [63] => [64] => [65] => [66] => [67] => [68] => ) [approved] => 1 [declined] => [error] => [held] => [response_code] => 1 [response_subcode] => 1 [response_reason_code] => 1 [response_reason_text] => This transaction has been approved. [authorization_code] => LBO9HU [avs_response] => Y [transaction_id] => 40007687557 [invoice_number] => 4537 [description] => WordPress Demos Order #4537 [amount] => 20.00 [method] => CC [transaction_type] => auth_capture [customer_id] => 1 [first_name] => Allen [last_name] => Wang [company] => System8088 [address] => Chemsford Road [city] => Allen [state] => TX [zip_code] => 75013 [country] => US [phone] => 9852502084 [fax] => [email_address] => [email protected] [ship_to_first_name] => [ship_to_last_name] => [ship_to_company] => [ship_to_address] => [ship_to_city] => [ship_to_state] => [ship_to_zip_code] => [ship_to_country] => [tax] => 0.00 [duty] => [freight] => 0.00 [tax_exempt] => [purchase_order_number] => [md5_hash] => 5093EADE909D8188B78D7875D51D5BC3 [card_code_response] => P [cavv_response] => 2 [account_number] => XXXX1111 [card_type] => Visa [split_tender_id] => [requested_amount] => [balance_on_card] => [response] => 1|1|1|This transaction has been approved.|LBO9HU|Y|40007687557|4537|Wordpress Demos Order #4537|20.00|CC|auth_capture|1|Allen|Wang|System8088|Chemsford Road|Allen|TX|75013|US|9852502084||[email protected]|||||||||0.00||0.00|||5093EADE909D8188B78D7875D51D5BC3|P|2|||||||||||XXXX1111|Visa|||||||||||||||||)
You can take what you need from this response array and add your code ? there is somthing like [card_code_response] => P but its not P always depends on settings in
Hi Peter ,
That is possible if token request was not completed from remote server of stripe and still form got submitted somehow so there will no payment triggering that error
NazrulI have updated the plugin code to allow adding of line items to be sent to you can also check this thread
Hi Irfan,
Thank you for letting me know i have following code and i am applying it to version i have not yet officially released this line item code because before releasing i gather the user feedback like you gave me above and when user testing is done i release a stable version because there are many who might update the plugin and might land in trouble.
I hope following code would fix any further issues
$i =1; foreach ( WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item ) { $item_name = substr( strip_tags($cart_item['data']->get_title() ) ,0,30) ; $item_quantity = $cart_item['quantity']; $item_price = $cart_item['data']->get_price(); $item_taxable = $cart_item['data']->is_taxable() == true ? 'Y':'N'; if($item_quantity > 0 && $item_price > 0 ){ $sale->addLineItem($i, $item_name, $item_name, $item_quantity, $item_price, $item_taxable); } $i++; }
Side Note the HTML symbols get accepted like © but ? not accepted
- This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by syednazrulhassan.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stripe Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon] Capture on registrationThis plugins is only for woocommerce and through woocommerce it has setting to set
1- Authorize Only
2- Create Cyustomers on stripe
3- Cargecreated customers later.
ThanksIts possible but there are only few true emolution available you can change the gateway url on plugin code to see how it goes
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Purchase Order WooCommerce Addon] Mandatory FieldSorry for late reply but yes its possible to force default value in field
Yes possible you can use this plugin instead
The issue you started here has been fixed it was because the title does not allow more than 30 characters you will have to reinstall the plugin
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Authorize.Net Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon] Line item 1 is invalidI have just updated the code to fix that issue and also address if item is taxable or not
however i have not released it as new version which i would do in couple of days
Thanks for figuring it out so seriously.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Authorize.Net Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon] Line item 1 is invalidActually those are intended to be in there because that sends the lineitems to receipt received from
Glad to know it fixed it