Forum Replies Created
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Joomla vs WordPressEither WordPress or Joomla! will do just fine. WordPress will be somewhat easier to set up and maintain though; it will also be somewhat gentler on your DB server. This said, be prepared to do some fiddling with third-party extentions regardless of which product you go with, especially in terms of integration with outside systems.
Also, WordPress does not have a built-in forum functionality; there is, however, a sister product called bbPress (incidentally, this discussion is happening in a bbPress forum), which can be used in conjunction with WordPress, including sharing of two products’ user databases. Keep in mind that the bbPress team is somewhat behind the WordPress team, so the current bbPress production release (0.9) seamlessly integrates with WordPres 2.5 and requires some manual coersion to work with later versions of WordPress. It is hoped that bbPress 1.0 will be compatible with WordPress 2.7 and newer out of the box, but it is still in the Release Candidate stage…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: occasional loss of database connection“Error establishing a database connection” can mean several things.
If this error comes up intermittently, rather than all the time, it is possible that the DB server is overloaded, so it cannot accept any new incoming connections until one of the existing connections closes.
If this error comes up persistently in response to a certain action (such as an attempt to create a new post), it may be a permissions issue (the DB user whose credentials WP uses is not allowed to write into a specific DB table).
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: How do multiple authors post?AlanaBay,
Yes, your authors do need to go into site admin to create a new post, unless you have a theme that supports posting from the main site.
Note also that WordPress authorship is a tiered concept. Contributors can write posts, but can’t publish them (posting has to be approved by an Editor or an Administrator). Authors can write and publish their own posts. Editors can post and edit other people’s posts. Finally, Administrators can do whatever the heck they please, including breaking the site. ??
For more information, see the Codex:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: bloginfo()live627,
The Codex is your friend: you want a short answer, bloginfo() has access to about 20 settings, while get_option() allows you to retrieve all options that are defined. A list of those options is available here:
Additionally, bloginfo() outputs the values, while get_option() returns them for programmatic use. There is also get_bloginfo() that works just like bloginfo(), except it returns values like get_option() does.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Question about site integrationmichaelmuggler,
there is a query string that tells it to redirect back to the previous url, but it does not do that.
This is something that needs to be looked at in code. Without looking at the actual code, it’s very hard to say what might have gone wrong.
Here’s how I once did it inside a theme:
global $user_ID; get_currentuserinfo(); if ($user_ID == '') { header('Location: ' . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-login.php?redirect_to=' . rawurlencode($_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"])); die(); }
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Question about site integrationSince no one knows what software you use in the members-only section, nobody can tell you how to integrate it with WordPress. Generally, though, one of the two products will have to be modified to work with the other. Either you have to modify your members-only section to conform to WordPress’ authentication or vice versa. You may also be able to write a bridge application that would take care of interoperability.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to add audio file thats plays in the background?acknowledged74,
Does anyone know how I could attach an audio file to play onload in the background of only the home page ?
Don’t. Most people find it incredibly annoying.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Multistep image upload in 2.7: yuckOtto,
You’ve complained about this in several threads, but you still have not really explained exactly what you’re talking about. Uploading images in WordPress is trivially easy to do and work with, and it’s fast as heck. So… where’s the problem?
Even though your question wasn’t directed at me, allow me to interject.
The problem is that the Gallery (and the entire 2.5+ user interface) was a feature no one wanted or asked for. The WordPress development team probably thought it was “cool”, and now it is turning a deaf ear to users that say it actually isn’t and never was. Believe it or not, there are users out there who want the 2.3 user interface back. And no amount of repeating how great the new interface is will convince them, simply because the old interface was customizable, so it supported a wide range of user habits, while the new interface is unnecessarily restrictive, so it forces the user to change habits, which most human beings find annoying. It’s as simple as that.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: missing the MySQL extensionwhooami,
you can run phpinfo from the command line.
php phpinfo
Generally, that would be a bad idea, as the command-line PHP interpreter may not be using the same
the Apache module (or CGI/FastCGI executable) is using. Not so mention the fact that runningphp phpinfo
will probably result in an error; you need to run eitherphp -i
orphp -r 'phpinfo();'
You other recommendation, however, is right on the money.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: missing the MySQL extensionTo simply install an extension is not enough; PHP has to be configured to use it.
; it will output information about all extensions currenly enabled.Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: MySQL syntax error during user creationReplace the double quotes with single quotes:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON databasename.* TO 'wordpressusername'@'hostname' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Faster way to format or edit multiple posts?That should be pretty simple if you can code in PHP…
All you need to do is to write a simple script that would connect to WordPress database, retrieve one post at a time from the
table, runstrip_tags()
on the content (thepost_content
field) and write it back into the database.To be safe, be sure to export your blog into WXR before you start playing around with your data, just in case you mess something up and want to restore…
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: TinyMCE ExploitCan you identify the version of tinyMCE that was affected? Failing that, which version of WordPress were you running?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: include 2 diff dbs in plugin functionYou’re missing the fact that WordPress is not intended to work with multiple databases. The simplest way to resolve your problem is to move your tables into WordPress’ database. Also, you are using a needlessly convoluted approach to data lookups. Instead of first running a query on one table and then use its results to issue a bunch of other queries to run on another table, you should consider issuing one query on both tables joined together (which, again, is very easy to do when both tables in question belong to the same database).
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Limit to the number of postsThe post ID is the primary key in the
table. It is defined asbigint(20) unsigned
, meaning that the largest value it can hold is 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. And no, no one has gotten to that number yet (even isn’t anywhere near)…